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Danny walks out

Jesse: Back to the party.

Joey: Well, Bob I think we'll make up the decorations in to...
Jesse: No, no, no, don't with the voice.
Joey: Okay, food arrives at five. Belly- dancer arrives at 5.30. Belly- dancer leaves at 6. Guests arrive at 6.30. Limo- drive standing here at home at 7. What about his present?
Jesse: All right, the present. I'm leaving work early. I'm gonna take "Bullet". Get him fitted for seat covers. He is gonna love it. Come on!
Jesse and Joey go out and watch Danny's car.
Joey: Boy, he really loves this car.
Jesse: Hey, who wouldn't? I mean we're talking about a car that goes from 0 to 60 in two weeks.

At Caitlyn's school she is in the Choir room working on a song for her Dad's birthday before her first class of the day when Ryan walks in

Ryan: Hey Caitlyn what are you doing here so early?

Caitlyn: My Uncle Jesse helped write a song for my Dad's birthday and I just wanted to make sure I got the words and everything done so I could sing it for him at his surprise party later

Ryan: Cool what's the song called?

Caitlyn: My Hero is you, if you wanted to come to the party to watch me sing the song I am sure that would be okay?

Ryan: Sure I will stop by, what time?

Caitlyn: I would say about 6:30 I am going to sing him the song after 8 so my sisters can hear it before they have to get to bed

Ryan: Sure I will see you then

Ryan leaves the room and a blushing Caitlyn

Later that day the guests have arrived and are in the living room. Steph and DJ comes out from the kitchen
DJ: Now Steph, do it just the way I told you.
Stephanie: I'm old enough to carry a tray of apesisers... alebisers...cheese- sticks!
Steph goes to a lady named Caroline
Stephanie: Excuse me, do you care about cheese?
Caroline: Thank you, Stephanie!
DJ: Steph, it's do you care FOR cheese?
Stephanie: She took one, didn't she?

Caitlyn walks down the stairs wearing a beautiful red dress and she walks over to her sisters

Caitlyn: Hey you two

Stephanie: Caty you look so pretty

Caitlyn: Thank you Stephie and so do you and DJ, wait DJ are you wearing my top?

DJ: I know I am suppose to ask before I borrow something

Caitlyn: DJ its fine I don't mind you know that but please ask me next time

Jesse outside with a damaged "Bullet"
Jesse: All right, good night! Thanks for dragging it home.
Tow- man: Sure pal, good luck!
Jesse: (to himself) Poor "Bullet". Maybe Danny won't notice. Boy, am I in trouble. Joey!

In the kitchen
Joey: Jesse, what's wrong? I have never seen your face this shade of green before. This must be serious.
Jesse: It is.
DJ and Steph enter the kitchen.
DJ: Uncle Jesse, is something wrong? I'm getting these vibes.
Jesse: Yes, something is very wrong.
DJ: I knew it. This is great.
Jesse and Joey look at her with confused faces
DJ: I'm sorry, but I'm developing woman's intuition. It's a big step in my life.
Jesse: Listen, your father's car has been in a little accident.
Joey: How little?
Jesse: Big little. Follow me! You guys can take a look.
Jesse opens the door and the others look out.
Joey, DJ and Stephanie: Ooo!
Stephanie: You're dead meat!
Joey: This is going to take all the fun out of those seat covers. What are you going to do?
Jesse: I'm gonna do what I have to do. I'm gonna tell him the truth.

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