"Oh, shove off." Louis replied, shoving him weakly. "My head hurts too much to do anything. Jus' wanna lay here with you."

"Sure babe." Harry said. He situated himself to sit next to Louis, his head rested on the top of the headboard and his eyes closed. "How long has this one lasted?"

"'M not sure. A week or more." Louis replied, setting the toast aside and curling up next to his lover. Harry obviously hadn't believed his hangover excuse and there was no point in arguing anymore. Both of them were too stubborn to let it go, and Louis liked to let Harry win every now and then. "When've you got your next show?"

"Tomorrow. I've got to get to the plane late tonight."

"I'll come with you." Louis murmured. He nestled into Harry's side, breathed in his morning scent, relished in the warmth of his skin.

"You've got a radio interview today." Harry said, running his fingers through his hair and rubbing Louis's back. What he would do to wake up like this every morning.

"I'll tell them I'm sick. I can't make it. I don't want to go." Louis replied, balling the duvet in his fist and pulling it up to his chin.

"You don't have to skip the interview for my show, darling." Harry said. "Wouldn't Sam be mad if you skipped another interview?" Louis sighed

"I don't give a damn about what Sam says. Anyway 'm not skipping it for you. 'M sick." Louis's words were beginning to slur together as his mind began to drift. He had hoped that the relief of sleep may dull the ache in his head. He withheld a yawn and glanced up at Harry, making sure to bat his eyelashes a little bit. He knew Harry's weaknesses, and this was one that he didn't often pull out too often.

"Don't look at me like that, Lou. Seriously." He huffed. "Fine, but I don't want to hear you complain about getting your ass chewed later then." Harry said. Louis gave a soft 'hmmph' and wrapped his arm around Harry's middle, and laid his head on Harry's chest.

"You'd like to chew my ass wouldn't you?" He mumbled. But he never heard what Harry said after that, his exhaustion was too devastating.

He was woken up a couple of hours later when Harry had to wee. To be fair, Harry had tried not to wake him, or at least he had said as much, but Louis wasn't so convinced. But he didn't mind the view at all. Harry only wore a pair of loose-fitting boxer shorts. So, he was able to watch the muscles in his back flex and contract as he walked away.

The pounding in his head had subsided only minimally, but it was enough so that the sunlight didn't pierce his brain when he opened the drapes. And he was able to move without his limbs throbbing. He didn't remember being too over the top last night, so he wasn't sure what he could have done to make his muscles feel so heavy.

"Are you sure you want to skip and come with me?" Harry asked when he had re-entered the room. Louis rubbed the back of his neck, trying to subtly loosen some of the tightness he held there.

"Yes, mum." Louis said, rolling his eyes. Harry only shook his head and began to rummage through one of his bags.

"Im a fit mum though, aren't I?" Harry rose an eyebrow. He had obviously caught Louis not-so-subtly checking him out. But that was his husband after all. He was allowed to check out his other half as much as he pleased.

As it turned out, the pandemic was a blessing in disguise when it came to concealment. Louis was able to easily hide his face with a mask and a pair of sunglasses, especially if he paired it with an upturned hood to cover his hair. The likelihood of anyone spotting them board the plane to begin with was low, but the fans always seemed to have a way of finding him. His headache had faded into a dull ache now, so it was a tad more tolerable but still there. He sighed.

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