𑁍The only other person in the world𑁍 Yumeko

Start from the beginning

"It's Yumeko," she sighed with a disappointed frown. "You can't call your girlfriend by her last name."

Sighing at her single-mindedness, you spotted Ryota and Mary making their way down the hall, and you slipped your way out of Yumeko's grip to join the safety of their company. Yumeko stared at you intensely as you walked away, clenching her fists in rage at the way that you still seemed to think that those idiots could protect you like she did, that they cared about you the way that she did. Her next move, she realized, would have to be to show you just how wrong you were.

The following day, at the start of lunch, you moved to join Ryota at the end of his table, as was your new routine. It only took five seconds though before Yumeko had seated herself in front of you.

"Do you need something?" you asked stiffly, fighting the temptation to drop your gaze from the burning red eyes that seemed to only see you.

"Do I have to need something to sit with my dear friend Ryota?" Yumeko answered with a smirk.

"Y- Yumeko," Ryota pleaded, "she doesn't feel comfortable with you here. Can't you go back to your own table?"

"Last I checked," Yumeko scoffed, "we didn't have assigned seating during our lunch time."

"Well be that as it may," Ryota interrupted, "if you continue to bother her, I will have no choice but to report you to Student Council."

"Report what? That I sat down at a table? That's a pretty shitty definition of bothering."

Sensing the full-blown argument that was about to break out around you, you grabbed your lunch with a roll of your eyes and left the table. It only took you a moment to spot another free table to eat on. Unfortunately, it only took Yumeko a moment to follow you. Exchanging a silent glance, Ryota seemed to agree not to get involved, turning his attention back to his food with sheer determination.

"I can do this all day, darling," Yumeko told you, pettiness leaking from her voice.

"Good thing then that you only have till the end of lunch."

With that you picked up your lunch again, this time moving to sit with Itsuki and Kaede. But once again, Yumeko was close behind. She was there when you sat down with Mary and Ririka. At each table, she was there, and each table either stayed silent or only protested weakly until they withered under her glare. Your options almost all gone by this point, you turned to the table you had looked forward to sitting with nearly every day for so long but now you weren't totally sure would side with you.

"Hey, guys," you greeted them, standing nervously at the edge of their table as Yuriko and Runa stared at you in confusion. "If I sit with you, will you promise not to let Yumeko sit here?"

"But Yumeko always tries to sit with us, mostly whenever she wants to gamble with us" Yuriko Stated.

"I know, but—"

"Don't you think that this has gone on long enough?" Runa said with a pout. "I know you two had some fight, but you're so good together!"

"It wasn't just some fight," you sighed, not in the mood to explain it.

"With all due respect I think she really misses you," Yuriko added. "She won't actually say it, but she really does. Can't you make up with her and put this drama behind you, it's getting concerning?"

"I just—whatever. I'll find somewhere else to sit."

Cursing yourself for thinking they would side with you over Yumeko, you began to drag yourself towards the last table with one of your classmates sitting at it, wondering if you were really that desperate. As you approached Midari, your doubt only grew, and you wondered if you should just accept defeat and turn around. Even though you didn't glance back, you could still feel the return of Yumeko's smug stare digging into your back, utterly sure that you were about to come crawling back to her like you should have done days ago. Still, you forced yourself forward, until you were sitting across from the raven-haired pervert herself.

"Uh, h—hi," she stammered, already drooling at the fact that you had sat with her of your own free will.

"Hi," you said bluntly.

"So, uh, what brings you—"

"Scram, you little shit," came a voice from behind you, one that growled with a possessiveness that was intimately familiar to you. You watched as all of the blood drained from Midari's face, an image that you normally would have been thrilled to see, but now only informed you just how furious Yumeko was at your attempts to avoid her. Laying a hand on your shoulder and squeezing it tightly, Yumeko narrowed her crimson eyes at Midari, threatening her in utter silence.

"H-hey Yumeko! I was just leaving, I swear!" Midari insisted, scooping up her lunch as fast as she could and running to the other end of the cafeteria. Once again you were left alone with none other than Yumeko Jabami, who quickly moved from standing behind you to sitting next to you, though she kept her hand on your shoulder the entire time.

"Haven't seen you in a while," Yumeko said, her eyes drinking in the image of you so close before her as if the sight of you alone was all that she needed to live.

"You see me every day," you reminded her softly, fidgeting under her grip.

"You know that's not what I meant. Seeing you in class, from a distance, when you won't talk to me, won't look at me, that's not fucking good enough."

"Well, that's all you're going to get," you answered, about to stand up from the table. When you tried though, Yumeko stopped you, pinning you down with that one hand on your shoulder.

"I'm getting really sick of your attitude, you know," she snarled. "I tried to be nice, to give you some space like you wanted, but I guess that was a mistake."

"I didn't want space," you huffed. "I broke up with you. That means I'm not coming back."

"See, that's where I went wrong," Yumeko said, her voice softer as she cupped your cheek. "I thought if I just gave you space, that you would remember that we belong together, and you would come back. But you being away from me just ended up making you confused. You need to be reminded that I'm the only one who can love you the way you need. Lucky for you though—"

"Is Yumeko bothering you?"

Turning around at the sound of a new voice, you saw one of the last people you expected standing there. It was Kirari Momobami, Stident council president of Hyakkaou Private Academy. In all honesty, you had always thought she was kind of a jerk. She wasn't even looking at you, instead staring at Yumeko with her usual self-satisfied smirk. But still, at this moment, it was as if heaven had found the one student at Hyakkaou who wouldn't let herself be intimidated by your ex-girlfriend.

"Yes, actually," you told her. "She is."

"How about you sit with me in my office? Then I can be sure that she won't harass you. And given her snarky reputation in this academy, if she tries to pull anything, I'm sure I can get staff to intervene on our behalf," Kirari practically bragged, holding out her hand for you to take. As you reached for it though, Yumeko pulled you back into her chest, leaning down to whisper in your ear.

"Don't you fucking dare," she ordered. At her tone, so darkly possessive, you faltered, your hand freezing. When you two were dating, that was the same tone she would use when you were in trouble, a tone that told you that something very unpleasant was going to follow. Even now, as you reminded yourself that Yumeko wasn't your girlfriend any longer, you hesitated to disobey her when she gave you an order like that. So you let your hand fall, watching sadly as Kirari rolled her eyes and walked away. You weren't able to watch for long though, as Yumeko grasped your chin tightly and moved your eyes back to her. Forced to stare into her eyes, you saw there the gaze that you had once loved so much, the one in which Yumeko looked at you as if you were the only other person who mattered, the only other person in the world.

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