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REKKA DENKI LET OUT A TIRED SIGH AS HE PLOPPED DOWN UNCEREMONIOUSLY ON ONE OF THE SCATTERED CHAIRS OF THE DINING HALL. It was around midday and the sun was coming through the gaps in the blinds, spots of lights dancing on the floor. Jujutsu Tech was nearly deserted during the summer, with most of its students and upcoming sorcerers back with their families until the term began again. Still, as teachers – even for those who worked part-time – they were expected to be available twenty-four-seven, not that the man particularly cared.

Denki leaned back against the chair, putting his muddy boots up while Satoshi grimaced, pulling away his lunch with a disgusted expression, Satoru simply snorted, his clothed eyes still focused on the newspaper, page opened on the crossword puzzle.

"I can't believe there's only one month left and then summer is in session" Denki complained loudly while slurping his noodles "I'm really going to miss this place"

While Satoru and Satoshi were full-time teachers at Jujutsu Tech, Denki split his time between the Kinzoku School and this place, meaning he was out for half the year and then came back during the summer months to pick up the slack since most teachers were out for vacation time. The younger Gojo snickered, a small smile playing on his lips as he stirred his re-heated miso soup, even with the hot may heat, he was incapable of enjoying cold foods.

"What about the students?" the white-haired sorcerer asked, already knowing the answer.

Denki cackled, an amused smiled forming on his face as he shared a knowing look with Satoshi.

"Yeah, them? Not so much"

Working around kids had been Denki's dream even before he joined the ranks as a sorcerer, but the reality of it was somehow more disappointing than what he'd first envisioned. The kids were good, but the teaching part was where he really struggled. Not that it was his fault, because just like a majority of the teachers at the school, Denki had received no job training. Out of the three, the only one who knew what he was doing – most of the time, at least – was Satoru, and that was mainly because he'd taken the time to actually learn something.

The two sorcerers laughed at the joke while Satoru remained silent, deep in thought as he tried to make sense of the puzzle in front of him. Crosswords were boring, but there was little to do at the school and cell reception was less than stellar this time of the year. Satoshi stole a forkful of Denki's noodled, quickly putting them in his mouth before retreating back to his seat.

"Come on, at least you got the third-years. They're all well-rounded by the time you get to them" the younger Gojo pointed out, his mouth still full "Meanwhile I'm stuck with the second-years and I actually have to do some teaching" he paused, swallowing down hard "I hear a new teacher is coming soon, I hope he'll pick up the slack"

Masamichi Yaga, the school principal, had been very cagey about the whole subject, but Satoshi had still been able to figure out a new arrival would be coming soon. Yaga had cleaned out some of the old rooms in the teacher's dorms, and he'd also been preparing new teaching plans for each of them. Jujutsu Tech was a lot busier during the academic season, but Satoshi was able to tell when something new was rattling the man. After all, Yaga had been his teacher too.

"She" Satoru corrected, teeth grinding as he said the word.

Satoshi quirked a brow, both surprised that his brother had been listening to the conversation all along and curious as to why he seemed to know something he didn't. Out of the two, Satoshi was the one who liked gossip, and he was also the one who couldn't stand mysteries.

"She– what do you mean, she?" the younger Gojo repeated, his confusion growing by the second.

Satoru sighed, putting aside his crossword to face Satoshi. Despite being brothers and sharing the blood of the Gojo, the similarities ended there. Satoshi's hair was white, yet it was an ashy colour while his eyes were a different shade of blue, less daunting and more calm, the absence of the Six Eyes clear to anyone who knew what they were looking at.

𝑲𝑰𝑵𝑮𝑫𝑶𝑴 𝑶𝑭 𝑴𝑨𝑳𝑰𝑪𝑬 ⇢ Gojo SatoruNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ