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KINZOKU KEISUKE PACED THE LENGTH OF THE ROOM, he'd already memorized every single detail: from the floor-to-ceiling stained windows to the expensive marble floor, yet none of it seemed to be enough to distract him from the truth. The man sighed, shrugging off his jacket before turning towards his friends, an expectant expression written all over his face.

"We've been waiting for hours, how much longer is it going to take?" Keisuke complained loudly, nearly lashing out when Ieiri Shoko's hand landed on his shoulder.

Ieiri was small, but as a second-grade sorceress, she was still strong enough to pull him back from whatever dark place he was currently spiralling down towards. The girl – because, at this point, she was nothing but an eighteen-year-old girl with a big fat crush on the golden boy – squeezed his shoulder, reigning in his anger, if only momentarily.

"I know this is hard, but you need to pull yourself together," Shoko pleaded, turning to share a look with Geto Suguru, who was currently leaning against a window, an unreadable expression on his face "we need to stay focused"

Keisuke swallowed but nodded, stepping aside so he was resting beside Gojo. The sorcerer was the only one who hadn't said a word since the invitation had been sent; while Keisuke, Shoko and Suguru scrambled to get their bearings, the Gojo boy had been silent, watching his friends struggle to pull themselves together for Mikazuki's sake.

Satoru would have laughed, expect he didn't have any amusement left in him, just a hollow space where his heart should have been. Truth to be told, he didn't know what he was feeling at the moment. Betrayal, hurt? None of those words seemed to be strong enough to explain it.

The bell tolled, and soon the double doors to the room opened, a small and scared Mikazuki tumbling through. The Window carrying the chains didn't budge, pushing the sorceress into the room with an annoyed expression. Mikazuki fell into her brother's arms, tears rolling down her cheeks as she attempted to take a deep breath. Keisuke hugged his sister tightly, her body flush against his chest as she continued to cry.

"Everything is going to be okay" Keisuke tried to reassure, cradling her face in his hands as he pulled her head up.

She was a mess, covered in blood from head to toe, her black hair matted and tangled. Keisuke didn't know how long his twin had been retained, he'd only gotten the call that morning, after which he immediately rushed to tell his father. Of course, Kinzoku Asahi already knew, he'd known since The Magistrate's goons apprehended her outside of Kansai. They took her weapons; her katana, her knives – evidence, he'd said, like that was supposed to mean something to him.

Evidence of what? He hadn't dared ask, and now that he was cradling his sister against his chest, he realized exactly what Asahi had meant. Still, Keisuke swallowed past the lump in his throat, holding her face up and smearing her tears away with his thumbs.

"I promise, nothing is going to happen to you" he continued chanting, hoping the words would eventually reach her.

Mikazuki didn't stop sobbing, her hand clasped around Kei's skinny arm, like she was holding on for dear life. Suguru and Shoko watched from the side-lines, teary-eyed as they watched the sorceress lose it completely. Geto's eyes followed the chains around her ankles and wrists; she was being treated like an animal, like some sort of plague that needed to be contained – cattle, she was being treated like cattle, and it broke Suguru's heart.

"Is this really necessary? She's harmless" he tried, gesturing towards the chains with an annoyed expression.

The Window grimaced, yanking on the chains until Mikazuki yelped, nearly falling backwards if it wasn't for Keisuke's strong hold around her waist. The older Kinzoku glared at the Window, the golden fury visible in his gaze, yet the man didn't seem threatened by the display.

𝑲𝑰𝑵𝑮𝑫𝑶𝑴 𝑶𝑭 𝑴𝑨𝑳𝑰𝑪𝑬 ⇢ Gojo SatoruWhere stories live. Discover now