Chapter 5: Healing

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Seeing Nylah laid there, silent and still, while I'm screaming for her to wake up, it was scary. Seeing her waxy, pale body so distant. The way her chest began bouncing up and down, into a seizure, it broke me. I'd never seen anything like it; I didnt want to go.....


I honestly couldn't do anything...

When I woke up for a second time, it wasn't as bad - it was worse. Every 10 minutes a Nurse came in to check up on me. Though it wasn't all bad. There was 1 Nurse that I really connected with. Evra. She worked every day but Friday and always sat and talked to me when Miles, Charlie, or mom, or dad and Eliana weren't here. And when they were here, they talked to her too. She had blond hair, cut back into a bob, green eyes and slightly cracked lips. She was really tanned too. With a big smile.
I'd been in for 4 weeks now, really itching to get back outside. Miles was here today and was staying for the rest of the week.
"Come on Miles," I whined, "Ask em' to let me out!" I wriggled and Miles held me still.
"Yeah, well you cant while you keep having seizures. You know that," he replied with a slightly stern face. But I knew Miles, he couldn't stay stern or mad at me long. So I smiled and stuck my tongue out at him and he reluctantly did it back. Just then, Evra came in. I hate to say it, but I dont think Evra likes Miles. Which I'm quite sad about.
"Nylah. Time for your daily meds," she said, giving Miles a side glance before attaching the tube to my canular. I sighed. "Dont give me that Missy," Evra chuckled. She then cleared her throat purposely and very loudly. And gave Miles a cold glare. Miles simply smiled back sarcasticly. I looked between them both nervously. I could feel the medication pulsing through my veins matching the beats in my heart. "There, all done!" Evra said, and took her equipment and left the room. I heard Miles exhale.
"You know," Miles started, circling his finger on my leg, "I dont think she likes me much," he chuckled. I just stared at him. "I mean, weve been friends since we were 2," he blushed, and looked down. " And, uh, we've never, uh, wanted to, uh,". I cocked my head sideways and looked at him curiously. He didnt register the gesture and still stared downwards at the bed. "And, uh, was wondering if...Never mind. It's stupid anyway," he trailed off. I opened my mouth and gently said,
"No, go on,"
"Nah, it's fine; I'm fine," he said firmly. While he sat there in silence holding whatever he wanted to tell me in, his finger just kept circling. After what seemed like ages, he lifted his eyes to hers, and smiled sadly. I hugged him and then I kissed him. Hard. And we both leapt out of our skin as my mum, my dad, Charlie and Eliana entered the room.
"Hey, theres my girl," dad said and hugged me gently.
"We got goood news Nylah. You can be discharged today!" Charlie said, his eyes. "Oh and Amy is gonna visit," I looked at him to say, When? "Oh yeah. Shes at work, sorry," he laughed. I rolled my eyes and picked up Eliana.
"Woah!" I exclaimed. "Are you bigger or am I weaker?" She giggled.
"Let's say I got bigger so as to not insult you!" She said. I laughed and turned to mum. She glared at me and with a sharp motion, whipped her eyes to Eliana repeatedly.
"ELIANA~KAELAH! WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME? HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Six years old!" Amy walked in and Mum left. Amy sighed and looked at me and Charlie, holding his hand.
"Your mum doesn't like me anymore after the whole Prom scenario, you know," she whispered and I looked at her sympathetically. A minute later, Dad was with Eliana in bathroom, Mum was outside of my hospital room somewhere, Amy and Charlie were in the gardens outside. Just me and Miles in the room.
"To be continued?" I asked gently. He looked up at me, smiled and nodded. Evra came in followed by Mum who had a forlorn look on her face.
"Nylah, we dont know what condition it is that you have," started Evra, "But it may happen at anytime. So beware. Goodbye now dear," she left and two nurses took my canular out and then they left too.
"What day and date is it?" I asked as I got changed. My bra and top were on and so too were my underwear.
"Its Sunday 21st of May today," Miles informed me.
"There, all done," I said tying my last shoelace and looking around at the packed bags. Dad walked in again, asking if i was ready. I nodded and he took my bags downstairs. I stopped him in his tracks. "Dad, can I go to Miles' for a bit? He's offered me a lift," I asked and he nodded.
"Yeah of course. Loosen up and hang out. I'll tell them all. Bye," he said, waving. And I sighed with pleasure; and looked at Miles.

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