Chapter 3: Danger

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Miles has always been my friend. I mean ALWAYS.

When me, Miles and Lily arrived at  Matron, my head was pounding. I almost fell over and fainted because my head was killing terribly.
"There's no point calling home, my parents are at work," I lied, "Dont disturb them, please," I begged. No one could no about my problems at home apart from Miles.
"But why dear? You've suffered an extreme concussion and maybe even head damage!" Mrs Beaxenheth asked, exasperated. I started crying, desperate.
"OK. I wont, promise, love. But what exactly happened dearie?" I didnt hear this question because the ringing in my head became too strong and it engulfed me. It was calling me, claiming me, begging me, choosing me. I was so tired...


When Nylah began crying in Matron, I knew what she was getting at. But then when Mrs Beaxenheth asked her what happened and she didnt reply, well, I knew something wasn't right; and I thought about what Mrs Beaxenheth had said about Nylah having 'an extreme concussion and maybe even head damage' it got me thinking. I then felt Nylah's head on my shoulder and once I saw Mrs Beaxenheth's face, I knew. I spun and saw Nylah, with her eyes open, a tear strolling down her cheek. I gasped in horror, "NO, NO, NO!" I cried....


When Miles spun, and I saw, I cried out, I screamed, I didnt know what to do. I was frozen in this spot. What had happened? She was there one minute, and the next...gone."WHAT HAPPENED?" I gasped. " No, no ,no,  please, please, please!" I wailed....

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