A Sexually dream~ ;)

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finally, the morning came and it was eight twenty, bakugou and Deku were still cuddling and bakugou woke up with a smile on his face when he woke up he looked at every single edge of his room to woke him more but as soon as he woke up he realized that something is above him, when he looked up he saw Deku still sleeping cuddling him, his face was red as rose, but somehow he felt pleased beside him so he snuggles into Deku's chest and kisses his cheek with his pink blossom lips and got up to make him and himself a breakfast when he reached the livingroom he saw his mother is preparing some suitcase.

"good morning mom"

"good morning to you too my lovely child"

bakugou giggles

"hehe mom, please stop calling me that hihihi"

Mitsuki was surprised that bakugou called her 'mom' and giggled in front of her

"Ok katsuki"

"so, when is your flight mom?" he asked

"it's at 12 o'clock"

"ooh, ok mom :)" he smiled

they talked quite a lot until they forgot there was izuku standing behind bakugou, and Deku grabbed bakugou's waist to bring him closer to his chest.

"good morning darling~"

"w-wha-what did you just c-call me?"


bakugou's face was red rose again

"s-stop that we do not even mate!"


"aww you looked like you like it Katsuki," his mom said

"of course not why would I ?!"

"you sure ?" Mitsuki said with a smirk

"o-ok maybe I kinda like that but don't call me that !"

"ok kacchan (wink)";)

they tell stories about their personal life and talked about many things they could imagine, and it was already 10 in the morning.

"hey ms.Mitsuki "

"what is it izuku?"

"do you mind if I take you to the airport instead?" asked izuku

"of course not! thank you izuku :)"

"no it's fine, I'll go take a bath"

"ok see you"

izuku nodded and goes to the bathroom, but when is on his way to the bathroom something is pulling his clothes that stopped him to go to the bathroom, and it was katsuki. Deku was surprised and asked katsuki.

"what's wrong darling?" he asked

"c-can I c-come to?"

"hmm~ what do you want to do if I let you in too~?"

"sh-shut up I just want to brush my teeth and change my clothes"

"ok then~" he smirked

they talked like that sometimes but they forgot about Mitsuki who has heard what they were talking about. they finally came into the bathroom, bakugou was brushing his teeth and suddenly Deku opened his clothes behind him, he was blushing so hard at the mirror and Deku realized it.

"do you like the view~"

but bakugou didn't answer his question and looked away from the mirror which makes Deku chuckle a little. after they did in the bathroom they came out of the bathroom and go to bakugou's room to change clothes, then then it was time to drive bakugou's parents to the airport, when they arrived at the airport, bakugou's parents say goodbye to izuku and bakugou with a smile on their face.

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