switched part 3

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    Miss P. started the fight, and all four dashed to each other. Blake began by creating a minor storm surrounding the arena. The rain gave Lucas a boost and unlimited water for him to use. And for Mania and Kay. Mania no longer had her dragon slayer immunity, so it might be hard for her to face off against Blake. However, she still had her dark magic and surrounded Blake and Lucas in a void of darkness. At the same time, Kay transformed into a wyvern and dashed into the void making her attack. Well, she thought she did. The void has disappeared but Blake and Lucas were nowhere to be found.

Kay: Where did they go?

Mania: There on top of us!

    Blake stormed blinked both of them upwards, attacking the duo.

Lucas: Water Slicer

Blake: Storm Dragon: Lighting Strike (an attack i made up i have no idea what spells she uses)

    The couple managed to make the two girls stumble back.

Kay: Gotta admit that was a nice sneak attack. But not good enough.

B, L: Huh?

    Suddenly the ground turned black, and some black tentacles started coming out, graving them and not allowing them to move.

Mania: Kay, when you're ready.

    Kay transformed into a dragon, as she did when Viper was fighting Nix.

Lucas: A dragon!

    Kay used her claw and attacked the couple, having them hit a wall badly.

Lucas: Water Barrier!

    Lucas used his barrier to protect himself and Blake from getting hurt; both had scratches and bruises but nothing too severe.

Blake: Okay, I’ll handle Kay, and you handle Mania.

Lucas: What, no! You know she was telling the truth when she said that Mario would kill the person if she had a scratch. So I instead help you, then get myself killed!

Blake: Hey, listen, all I need you is to distract her!

Lucas: So you have a plan?

Blake: Listen up

    Blake told him the plan, and Kay and Mania got bored and decided to mock them.

Kay: Hey, love birds! Are you two done telling each other sweet nothings?

Mania: Stop being so lovey, Dovey and finish up this fight!

    At those comments, David was like Oh My God, i ship these two. Blake and Lucas were annoyed at their words, so they looked at each other and started their plan. Lucas began by creating a bubble trapping Mania in it.

Mania: Hey, that’s not fair.

    Kay tried to pop the bubble, but Blake created a cloud wall.

Lucas: Water Creation: Water Clones!

    While Lucas was holding the bubble so that MAnia wouldn’t escape, the clones helped out Blake giving her a boost. Then, the clones launched Blake, and she started to go onto her Altairus Form.

Blake: Altairus, lend me your strength.

Altairus: Show them what you made off.

Altairus: Show them what you made off

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