003. straight smugglin'

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straight smugglin'

the group sailed to a motel. the one that connected to the key they found in the sunken grady white. the motel was in very bad condition. the paint was chipped off, vines grew along side it. overall, it looked like a crack house.

jj whistled. "i thought the chateau looked bad." he said.

"this place is a shitshow." john b stated.

"this place is a crackhouse." maeve added.

"motel or methab?" kie questioned.

"you be the judge." pope said.

the group looked at the run-down motel. disgusted looks printed on their faces.

they drove the hms farther till it hit the grass. "this is your caption speaking. hms pouge comin' in for landing." jj hopped out to anchor the boat. john b followed behind him.

"hey." pope said. "don't let him do anything stupid." he looked at jj.

"oh we will." jj said, his eyes squinting due to the sun.

"i'm not making promises." john b spoke.

kiara walked forward to john b. "uh, be careful." she handed john b the motel keys.

"we mean it." maeve walked towards jj. "if you find any fucked up shit in there, leave immediately." she said.

there was a pause before he answered. "yeah, we will." jj nodded.

"let's go." john b said, hitting jj's shoulder before walking away. the two walked towards the moldy-looking motel. pope, kiara, and maeve's only duty was to sit in the hms and wait for the other two.

while the three of them were concerned about jj and john b, they were cracking jokes the whole time. "just be so careful john." jj grabbed john b's face. but john b shook him off.

"god, you're so weird." he said.

"what was that about?" jj asked, referring to kiara.

"i don't know maybe she wants us to be careful." he said.

"since she heard you're being threatened with exile, she's just been, like," jj started, "oh! be so careful, john b. oh, just give me that john d already." he mimicked kie. "when are you gonna swoop on that, man?"

"bro you know the rule. no pouge-on-pouge macking." john b said. "besides, you still have feelings for maeve." he scoffed.

"how could i not? she's a super hot rich chick slumming with us instead of her dickhead of a boyfriend. why? i cant figure it out either, but who cares, bro? i know that doors locked because i've tried it. have you?"

"you need help." john b said, lightly pushing jj's shoulder. "not just a little bit of help you need a lot of help. it's like every girl who just has a heartbeat, you're like... 'uhh!'" john b mimicked jj hooking up with someone.

enough about them, though. let's go back to the others. they were also talking about relationships. "i don't get how you ended up with rafe." pope said to maeve.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2023 ⏰

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