Start from the beginning

What a coincidence! What's your sister's name?

"Julia Descoteaux."

"Oh, j'adore Julia. C'est la personne la plus travailleuse que je connaisse."

Oh, I know Julia. She is the hardest working person I know.

"On dirait elle," Yvonne said, shaking her head. Sounds like her.

Beau realized he hadn't told her his name. "Je suis Beau, d'ailleurs. Beau Vidal."

I'm Beau, by the way.

"Eh bien, c'était agréable de vous rencontrer, Beau. Peut-être que je vous verrai bientôt ici."

Well, it was nice meeting you, Beau. Maybe I'll see you around here soon.

A smile stretched onto Beau's face. "Je l'espère. C'était agréable de vous rencontrer aussi, Yvonne."

I hope so. It was nice meeting you, Yvonne.

In the end, Beau and Yvonne did end up seeing each other again. Again and again, in the park, running into each other as if it was an accident, though they knew it was on purpose. But it wasn't until January that Beau mustered up the courage to ask Yvonne for coffee. And it wasn't until April that they officially started dating.

Finally, on February 4th, 1993, Beau asked Yvonne to marry him.

On August 14th, 1993, that marriage occurred.

And on May 22nd, 1994, Sabine Angélique Vidal was born.

IT WAS IN HER room at the Hotel Obsidian that Nadine finally discovered the true identity of the Other Nadine.

She had the place to herself—both Viktor and Allison were down in the lobby, probably actually discussing the plan of attack for when the Sparrows came to call—and had intended to use it for nothing more than a quick nap. In fact, she had already stripped off her clothes, leaving her in nothing but her bra and underwear, and crawled under the papery covers, fully intending to turn off her light and fall into a slightly fitful sleep.

But then her phone had chimed with a new text, and the temptation to look at it—to see what Other Nadine, or whoever she was, had been sent next—had been too extreme.

Even the fact that Camille was the sender didn't deter Nadine from reading it. Sure, her ex-girlfriend didn't exactly have many good memories associated with her anymore, but the conspiracy unfolding on Nadine's cellphone was larger than a particularly messy break-up. Five had told her to look into her other self. She hadn't finished the job yet.

Perhaps now, while she still had a little bit of time left, she would.

Which was how she found herself pulling up Camille's text.

Camille: S'il vous plait rentrer à la maison dès que possible! Avec tous les rapports de personnes disparues, je m'inquiète de plus en plus. Je ne voudrais jamais que quelque chose vous arrive.

Please come home as soon as possible! With all the reports of missing people, I am becoming more and more worried. I would never want something to happen to you.

MONACHOPSIS- V. Hargreeves ³Where stories live. Discover now