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"Of course," Lu Jinhai chuckled sarcastically. "Who am I to merit such right to speak to my superior? Am I not just a lowly soldier who cares about what is happening in the camp and my fellow soldiers?"

A pulse beat at the temple of Jinzhou Lu Wang Wei as he struggled to control his temper. His cousin was deliberately making him lose his control but he wouldn't allow that to happen. With supreme effort, he put a stoic face on. "You will do best to remember that: I am your superior."

Frustration flickered on Lu Jinhai's eyes before he smirked and enunciated every word sarcastically, "Of course, Jinzhou"

"Good," Jinzhou Lu Wang Wei said in an unemotional voice. He then turned his attention back to Yan Mei Ling and stared at her as if assessing her condition. For a brief moment, Yan Mei Ling had caught a glimpse of concern glazing through his eyes before he immediately put back his impassive mask.

"One more round of exercise then we will rest and, to those who still have the energy, you can accompany me to hunt for food so we won't die of starvation. Do we all understand?"

"Yes, jinzhou!" all of the soldiers responded.

Jinzhou Lu Wang Wei looked at Yan Mei Ling one last time, in a fleeting manner, before he went in front to lead the military exercise. 

Yan Mei Ling, on the other hand, trembled with dread. But, surprisingly, he did not say anything. Perhaps he was bidding his time, she thought.

When the exercise was finished, a bird's cry was heard. Jinzhou Lu Wang Wei then extended his arm and the bird landed swiftly on it. "Shan de Tiangkong"

He took the rolled parchment from the falcon's talons and placed the bird on his other shoulder. He hastily unrolled the parchment and silently read. His eyes widened a bit before he turned his aloof masked on. He turned his gaze to all the soldiers in front if him. All of them were curious as to what contained in the letter.

"Help, weapons and food are coming soon," He announced, his voice echoed strongly in the camp. The soldiers cheered happily at the news but then he waved his hand as if to silence them. "This is not a time to celebrate as our task has became even more harder."

The soldiers became silent and suddenly everything seemed tense.

"The princess is abducted in the palace and we need to reach the Hsien clan's domain before her abductors do."

Upon hearing the words, Yan Mei Ling's body froze with dread and the entire muscles of her body stiffened. She couldn't breathed as if someone was choking her. Tears began to form in her eyes and without warning they fell. She wanted to rage and shout but her voice was gone. She was shocked - extremely shocked.

'Li Lei Shuang!' she screamed in her thoughts. Her blood was boiling with both rage and dread. She was hysterical. 'They couldn't take her. She is not kidnapped. The news may have been a misinformation. It has to be.'

She tried to open her mouth to swallow some air but the moment she did, her vision darkened and her knees became weightless. As she was about to succumbed to darkness, the last voice that she heard was Jinzhou Lu Wang Wei who desperately tried to call her name.

"Tang Lao Fang!"


Jinzhou Lu Wang Wei's bravery, intelligence and skills were just one of the few things that made the Son of Heaven choose him as one of his trusted officials. True, he was a nobleman - a minister-diplomat's son - but unlike those other noblemen, with the exception of the Duke Unit Commander Yan Bao Rong, he never lived his life in debauchery and luxury. He was a warrior just like his mother's father. He abide by all the imperial rules and his loyalty to the Son of Heaven was unquestionable.

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