chapter 1

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(This means in thoughts or time skip)

Y/n pov
~2 months later~

It's been to 2 months since I came to seabrook I really like it here
Addison's parents were very welcoming and I even told them what had happened to me in my old place I use to call 'home' I also showed addison the white steak in my hair she said that it's really cool but I was still insecure about it so I hide it

Right now I'm with Zed and Zoey who Addison introduced me to when I came here she also introduced me to the rest of the crew it's only them and addison that know about my past I only felt safe with them since it's really hard for me to trust people but they don't know about the streak in my hair

I was sitting on the beach chair with my pastel hoodie, black Jean,white boots on and my hair pulled back hiding my white streak hair now you probably wondering why I am wearing hot clothes at the beach well I still have many bruises from the time at 'home' so I mostly wear clothes that cover me up

I was sitting on the beach chair with my pastel hoodie, black Jean,white boots on and my hair pulled back hiding my white streak hair now you probably wondering why I am wearing hot clothes at the beach well I still have many bruises from the time...

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

(This is your outfit)

Suddenly I see Zed come out of the sand,roaring and I laugh as I see him chasing after Zoey "n/n you coming?" Zed asked I nod as I got up and walked with them to zombietown

We went to coach to order some fro-yo "sup coach" Zed said "hi" I said shyly I'm not really good at talking to people "oh football off-season have been good to me, Zed and Y/n invested in a fro-yo cart. Little side hustle, gonna go global, buy a car, get some dress shirts-

I smile as coach continue to talk about the dreams he had
'Must be nice to dream big and not having to worry about what others think' I thought I was then pulled back to reality when coach ask what fro-yo I wanted "I'll have a (f/f) coach" I said and coach gave me my fro-yo and we head off to seabrook power

"hey dad" Zed said "hi Mr Necrodopolis" I said "Hey kids, first day as foreman of the demo crew , big day for zombie kind" he said"Just don't make lame zombie dad jokes" Zed said I laugh a little "but the workin' stiffs love 'em" Zed's dad said

Me and Zed started to walk to Eliza who was protesting "hi Liza" I said "hey n/n" Eliza said hugging me and then turn to Zed "they can't take it down Zed" Eliza said "seabrook power hasn't worked in years" Zed said "it's an important part of zombie heritage" Eliza said and I nod Addison and Zed told of how zombies came to be in seabrook and I thought it was really cool then they spoke about prawn which I didn't really listen to because 'who would ask me' I thought. All of a sudden I got fright a when I heard a roar and I jumped, Zed and Eliza noticed this and Eliza gave me a apologetic look and Zed glared at her then all of a sudden we started to sing

Where I belong|| Wyatt x Reader {Book 1}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن