His words had a galvanizing effect on everyone, breaking the stillness as everyone began rising to their feet and talking all at once. The noise level in the chamber rose significantly, but Severus was far more focused on Harry who rejoined him and sank back down into the seat beside him. The boy looked tired, and completely lost in thought, and Severus didn't have the slightest idea what to say to him. He was afraid that if he opened his mouth he wouldn't be able to stop shouting. Indeed he suspected Black and Lupin felt the same way. He was extremely conscious of the fact that Lucius had not yet taken his eyes off the boy.

Dumbledore rejoined them a moment later, informing them that he, Alrik and Diana would remain with Harry as they went to speak with the foreign dignitaries. Sirius and Remus both needed to go Department of Bloodline Inheritance as soon as possible - if Sirius wanted to marry Remus he needed to change his Conscriptus, and by accepting the seat on the Wizengamot Remus has also accepted the role as Heir of the House of Volpine. That too would require formal acknowledgment. And while Severus desperately wanted to stay at Harry side, he had apparently promised to investigate Lord Aventine's potion dilemma - he needed to go to speak with the Guild Master and find out if there were any further research notes belonging to Silvius Ventus hidden away in the Guild archives.

Severus glared in silent fury as Dumbledore ushered Harry from the room, followed swiftly by Amelia Bones and Lucius Malfoy. Several other members of the Wizengamot followed after them. As Darmut passed by him, Severus caught hold of the man's arm, startling him. "Under no circumstances is Harry to be left alone in Malfoy's company," he hissed at the Auror.

Darmut's eyes narrowed sharply. "Understood," he agreed, and Severus could tell by the tone of his voice that he did indeed understand fully.

As the room began clearing out, Sirius and Remus finally spoke up. "What in hell was that?" Sirius exclaimed under his breath. He waved his hand in a vague manner toward the floor of the chamber indicating that he meant the whole incident with Harry.

"It's your decision, Harry," Severus mimicked the words Sirius had spoken to Harry before they had left Hogwarts that day. "Whatever you decide, we'll stand by you - THAT is what that was, Black!" He glared at the Gryffindor, who looked rather appalled at the reminder.

"But why would Harry trust Malfoy?" Sirius demanded. "It doesn't make any sense."

"The most respected and revered member of our world just asked a sixteen year old boy to solve all the problems of our government, and you're shocked that something doesn't make sense?" Severus snarled. "We're lucky the boy didn't remove everyone from office and replace all of them with his school chums. Under the circumstances I'm beginning to think they might do a better job."

"You might be right," Remus agreed in a subdued voice. "Considering our former Minster plotted to enslave the entire Wizarding population without anyone noticing."

Severus had no idea how to respond to that - the reality was just too unbelievable to process. He'd known Fudge was an idiot - but to learn that he'd also hidden a darker side was a real kick in the teeth. The corruption that must exist in the Wizengamot was too horrific to contemplate.

"It would seem Lucius Malfoy has done as all a good turn," a voice interrupted the three of them. They turned to stare in shock at Merik Volpine. Standing beside him was Lord Aventine, his red eyes gleaming with amusement. Severus suppressed a shudder and his natural instinct to back away from the Vampire.

"I don't understand," Remus replied, staring hard at the old werewolf. "Surely you know what Malfoy is capable of? That he has been one of the most outspoken against anyone whose blood is not pure. It was because of him I was subjected to an Euthanasia Inquiry."

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