Is he the one?

52 17 28

Before the dance everybody sat at the table and ate something small. I ate Mulligatawny Soup which is shredded chicken in a veggie chicken broth.

This was the time to socialise and tell people stories. I listened mainly, because I disliked telling people things about myself. They didn't deserve knowing anything about my private life.

Coming to an end of my starter I realized someone was looking at me. I slowly glanced up and saw two tables away a handsome young man. His blue, green eyes were looking right at mine. His eyes were like looking into the bright sun. I was blinded by the beauty and couldn't take my eyes of him.

The young man then gave me the most wonderful side smile in the world.
That smile made me wake up from my trace.

I immediately looked away, removing a hair that had fallen into my face.
Wow, who was he? I thought to myself.

Never had anyone looked at me the way he just did.

An announcement from one of the hosts interrupted my thoughts.

It was time to take my place on the dance floor.

I had no dance partner which meant, I had to wait for a gentleman to ask me for my hand.

People started moving to the dance floor. I stayed more in the background. The music started to play and people were dancing with their partners but no one had asked me.

Standing there all alone made me feel sad. It was humiliating and I thought I deserved better, I deserved to be loved, to be honoured but instead people neglected me like they do with an old play toy. Didn't they understand that I was over them, that I was more superior and posher?
No, they were all just blinded by themselves and their ignorance.

An older woman approached me and started talking to me.
She probably feels sorry for me, I thought to myself.

But I stayed friendly and answered her questions. I guess we both didn't have a dance partner.

The dance was over and the music stopped.
The host of the house walked into the the middle of the dancefloor. It was quite hard because of all the people standing there:
Ladies and gentlemen, would you please make a big circle.

Our special guest has joined us today, he is the best known dancer in England and will choose a lady to dance with tonight.
Please welcome the one and only Sir Thomas Sharpe.

Everyone started clapping as an attractive man entered the middle, grabbing a candle from a waiter.
I suddenly realised that he was the man with the beautiful eyes and smile. He was the one who looked at me, when I was sitting at table.

It seemed like I wasn't the only one who liked him. All the other women were begging him to take them as their dance partner.

He held up the candle and said with a smooth and posh strong British accent:
The Walz, not a complicated dance really. The lady takes her place slightly to the left of the leading gentleman.
Six basic steps and that's all, however it is said that the true test of the perfect Walz is for it to be so swift, so delicate and so smooth that a candle flame will not be extinguished in the hand of the lead dancer.

He glanced around the room until his eyes stopped on me.
He slowly walked up to me and smiled again. Everyone was holding their breath and I was too.

He gently took my hand and asked me quietly: Will you be mine?

I could hear my heart pounding against my chest. I tried to say something but not a single word came out of my mouth.
I was so excited, so all I could do was nod.
We walked into the middle and got into position, when he said calmly: My name is Thomas Sharpe but you can just call me Thomas.
May I ask for your name Madame?

My name is Isabella. It is nice to meet you sir, I said quietly. My voice was slightly shaking.

The music started and we started to dance. We were gracefully gliding through the dancefloor making sure the candle doesn't go out.

I was looking into his beautiful blue, green eyes feeling like I was in heaven.

After a while, the music stopped and we finished our dance, the candle still lit.
Thomas then blew the candle out and everybody started clapping.
It was the best day of my life and I truly believed nothing could change that.

People started moving around, talking and laughing. I turned to tell Thomas what a good dancer he is but he was gone.
Looking around I realised he was nowhere to be seen, so I decided to go to the bathroom to refresh my makeup. Little did I realise that someone was watching me and started following me into the bathroom.

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