Vincent ya gay?

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Angel : srsly why ya do that?
Evil Flice : just do it
Angel : *eyes turn black with fresh blood tears* don't order me around
AnnikaJadenOrtega dare : that Vincent will be boy and Jaden will be girl
Angel : *uses magic to make Vincent a girl while Jaden will be a boy* what oh mah God Ms. Writer did ya forget to make me a name?
Shadow : *shivers* her name was suppose to be Bloody Luna or Luna Red moon
Luna : yes I was combined by Anger and Shadow
Jaden (boy) : what when this happened?! *turns to Shadow and Anger*
Everybody except Luna : *turns to Shadow and Anger*
Luna : tell the story dear~
Shadow : *nods* well remember the name of Angel was "Shadow&Angel-dark duo" remember dark duo not trio well Anger was doing something and we don't know so Anger should know it
Anger : fine I was gonna make a sword that it was very strong than we our so I get one piece of my hair and one piece of Shadow's hair then I put it on a pot then I stir it then a few minutes I just created a monster mix with our powers and stuff so then I flash it was in Angel's body same hair and everything except for the eyes it was black with fresh blood tears the blood came from Shadow and me cause we're immortal so we chat for a moment then she agree that she will not kill people so that's about it
Everyone : *shocks* so when will we get Angel back?
Shadow : um whatever Angel wants
Luna : I think it's time for me to go see ya fellow humans *fades*
Angel : um hello so um I will just *ran away*
Hitsugaya : where did ya going?
Angel : um *invisible then flies outside then runs* hueh uh hueh uh
Everyone : Angel
Jaden (boy) : Damnn Anger made another form that it will trouble Angel
Vincent (girl) : I hate to be a girl
Jaden (boy) : shut up and get Angel!
Angel : I kinda got trouble guys so see ya soon stay awesome byeeeeeeee~

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