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It was 6 a.m. and Y/n was laying in bed. She knew she was going to Hogwarts today, but she didn't want to get up. She was tired. Someone knocked on the door of her room.

"Who's that?" She asked.

"It's me!" shouted a boy's voice from behind the door.

"Me?" Y/n asked.

"Mattheo. Your handsome twin brother, the son of Voldemort and Bellatrix Lestrange..." he wanted to continue but Y/n had already opened the door for him.

"The name was enough," she said.

"What do you want?" she asked.

"Mom says you should go to breakfast, otherwise you won't catch the train," he replied indifferently.

That's when she realized it. After all, it's a little after six. She has to shower, comb her hair, put on her make-up, eat and pack the last things.

"Shit. I can't make it." She said.

She showered, applied light makeup, combed her hair and got dressed.

She was wearing black jeans and a white sweatshirt with her favorite wizarding band, the Weird sisters. She loved them. She would play their CDs loudly, but her twin brother Mattheo hates them. She didn't know why.

When Y/n opened the door to her room it was 8:00 a.m. She came downstairs and her mom was just coming out of the kitchen with a plate full of pancakes. She made them every first day of school.

Her older brother Tom was coming out of his room downstairs. Her twin Mattheo was already sitting at the table, so was their father.

Y/n went to help her mother Bellatrix into the kitchen. Bellatrix poured her hands full of maple syrup and Nutella.

When this family finished eating, the parents sent the children to get the suitcase. Y/n was the first to return and her father took advantage of that.

"Y/n I found something under your bed," he said.

Y/n was at her wits end. She didn't know what to say, and at the same moment, various things that he could find began to play out in her head.

'photos of Draco playing Quidditch?'

'Draco's Wand'?

'sexy boys album?'

'kill list?'

'Draco's shirt?'

'Draco's sweatshirt?'

'my Kiss or Fuck list?'

'Draco's shoes?'


Those were the only things she could have under the bed.

"So what did you find under my bed?" She asked.

He was already breathing to say something to her, when
Mattheo had just entered the living room. She could see from his expression that he wanted to do something. And there's no way it's going to be good for her.

"Hey Y/n! Do you know what I found on the floor in your room?" He asked her.


"Extremely large t-shirt featuring Draco's favorite Quidditch team," he replied casually.

Y/n just blushed and Mattheo smiled. He succeeded. He knew that nothing good would come of it now, but he said it in front of his father and made her angry.

"Mattheo can I talk to you?" Y/n asked.

"Yes, sure." He agreed.

„Why did you say that in front of dad?" She asked.

„I wanted to," he replied.

Mattheo surprisingly didn't burst out laughing while Y/n gritted her teeth.

„Are you kidding me?" She asked.

All Mattheo did was smile.

„ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" Shouted Y/n.

Mattheo just laugnig. Y/n was so angry.

„Kids! Come on! We gotta go!" Bellatrix shouted.

"We're coming!" shouted Mattheo.

"I hate you!" Y/n screamed.

"Thank you!" Mattheo told her.

Y/n angrily turned on her heel and walked towards their mother. Bellatrix moved to platform 9¾ with her three children.

They went around the corner. and there they said goodbye to their mother. Bellatrix hugged her two sons and only daughter. She gave them a kiss on the forehead and gave them a bag of money.

"Take care of yourself. And don't forget to write." She reminded them, watching her children disappear on the train.

•in the corridor in the train•

"I'm going to find Pansy." Y/n announced to her brothers. She was about to leave but was caught by her older brother Tom's hand.

"Wait, we're going with you. We need to find Draco."

Y/n blinked in shock.

"D-Draco Malfoy?" She asked just to be sure.

"Yes, your boyfriend. And don't worry, we know you have something together," said Tom calmly.

Mattheo clenched his hands into fists.

"Mattheo calm down. She's 16." Tom pointed out and the three of them went to find their friends.

"Pansyyyy!!" Y/n started to jump.


"Hi," Y/n greeted Draco.

"Do we know each other?" Darco asked.

"No," Y/n said with a shrug.

"You don't know each other. Well, it's not. I'll introduce you and you'll be great friends." Pansy said.

"You don't have to, I think I can handle it myself with such a beautiful lady." Draco said and Y/n just clicked her eyelids in shock.

"I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy." He said.

"And I'm Riddle, Y/n Riddle."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2023 ⏰

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