Chapter 1

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The day I told mason I was pregnant with Myles was the day we thought our entire lives was ruined little did we know how wrong we were, Myles was one of the worst mistakes in my life but it was a miracle in disguise. I couldn't be happier with my life right now and I just found out I'm pregnant with our second baby, Myles is almost six years old, and mason is is the quarter finals for the euros. My life is perfect right now, until it won't be but let's not talk about that right now.

I haven't told mason about baby #2 yet, I'm waiting for the perfect moment he's too busy with training right now but before the finals if they get in I'm gonna tell him but if they don't ill find another way to tell him.

I sat in the family of the players section, with Lauren (declans girlfriend), Rebecca and Ronnie (Phils girlfriend and son).

"So have you told mason yet" Lauren asked

"Lower your voice, I haven't told Myles yet and no I haven't im waiting to see if they get in the finals yet" I said

"I can't believe we're pregnant at the same time" Rebecca said

"The kids will only be a few months apart, they can be like best friends" I said

"They already are" she said making me laugh

"It's starting" Lauren said

The game finished and it ended up being 2-1 to us. We went down to the field and Myles went running ahead to hug mason, when I finally caught up with him I was out of breath.

"You alright babe"mason said kissing my cheek.

Yes, just out of breath"I said

"You sure, you look a bit pale"he said

"Baby I'm fine" I said

"If your sure, well I need to shower and I'll meet you at home" mason said

"Lauren and Becca and Ronnie are coming back to ours" I said

"Alright me and the lads will carpool" he said

"Alright" I said

Me and Lauren cane here together so me and Lauren will be taking her car back to my house and Rebecca and Ronnie will follow us.

Mase, Phil and Declan came all together since there's no point of them each come separately.

Once I got home I sat on the sofa and turned on Ben and Hollie for Myles and Ronnie.

"What gender are you wanting this time" Lauren asked

"A girl, because I was three kids oldest a boy, middle girl and youngest boy" I said

"That's the dream, every girl needs an older brother" Lauren said.

"Exactly" I said

"What about you Becca" Lauren said

"Girl" she said

"Imagine if we both had girls" I said

"Know they could like match and be best friends" she said

"I want a baby so bad" Lauren said

"I think Declan wants to wait a bit yet" I said

"I know but he would be such a good dad" Lauren said

"Who would be such a good dad" mason said walking into the kitchen.

"Dec" I said kissing his cheek

"That would be hilarious" mason said

"Right pizza?" I said

In the next few hours we played some board games and watched some TV but it was not 19:00 and we were saying bye to Phil,Becca and Ronnie. And then me and made out Myles to bed.

We went back downstairs to continue our get together and then mason brought out the wine which made Lauren give me a look to say " what are we going to do"

"Right who wants a glass" mase said

"Me, after that win for sure" Declan said

"Babe?"mase asked

"No thanks" I said

"You never pass on wine" Declan said

"I'm just not in the mood and I have to be up early for gym tomorrow" I said

"Oh yeah I forgot we had gym tomorrow, I better not have a glass then" Lauren said to make it seem less suspicious

"If you say so"mason said

I sighed with relief, I'm so glad Lauren helped with the cover up.

The rest of the night was wonderful and then kids got brought up.

"So you two when are you going to have kids, you've been together for a while" mason said

"Oh god not until two years after marriage, we want to buy a new house before we get married and God we haven't even started looking" Lauren laughed

"We've talked about this alot, what about you two. Baby number two any time soon, can I suggest the name Declan" he said

"Mate no offense but I'm not Naming my kid declan and I don't really want another kid right now, Myles is already such a handful. With my job two kids will just be too much maybe in a few years but not this year" mason said, my heart dropped,here I was sat on our sofa with of our second child in my stomach that mason doesn't look know about because I wanted it to be a surprise and he doesn't want another kid right now.

Lauren looked at me with sympathy and I just looked away.

"I'm gonna go to bed, I'm knackered" I said kissing masons cheek.

"Alright darling I'll be up in an hour or two" he said

"Okay, bye guys" I said

"Night fin" Declan said

"Night babes, text me in the morning about the gym" Lauren said

I went up stairs and into mine and masons room, I took my jeans and football shirt off and wiped my makeup off and climbed into bed.

What am I going to do.

My Love~ Mason MountWhere stories live. Discover now