Chapter 22

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"Hi Max." Ginny said. She took a breath, "Can we talk? I feel like we should talk." Ginny said. "You can stay out there on the porch, or better yet, you can go home." Max told her. "Max.." Ginny tried. "Doesn't my brother literally have a restraining order pending against you? Doesn't this worsen your case? Let me go get my phone and snap some pictures, maybe we can speed things up a little bit in court." Max said while turning around to the living room. "Max wait! Don't you think you're being a bit irrational right now?" Ginny asked. "Irrational?! You could've killed Jade and my Niece! You pushing a pregnant woman against the wall was irrational!" Max exclaimed. "What the fuck?" Max heard from the stairs behind her. She turned and saw Marcus walking down them quickly. Max took a small step back, allowing her brother to get closer to Ginny.

"I dont even know why you're here, nor do I care to, so I'm giving you three seconds to get the hell off of our porch before I call the cops." Marcus told Ginny. "I'm here to talk to Max." Ginny told him. "Well, you're not doing that here." Marcus told her. "Marcus please! I did nothing to you!" Ginny begged. "You almost killed my daughter you fucking psychopath!" Marcus screamed. They were interrupted by the should of Jade's car pulling into the driveway. Jade quickly got out of the car, and she was quickly followed by Kenzie, who caught a ride with her. "Oh hell no!" Jade shouted. "Get the fuck away from my baby bitch!" She continued as she ran to the front door. "I wasn't doing anything." Ginny told Jade snarkily. She scoffed, "you're still too close to my child." Jade told her. Max had brought Marley into the living room at this point, desperately trying to keep her away from the screaming match happening on the porch.

"Don't yell at me. I'm pretty sure we both know how that ended for you last time." Ginny told Jade. Jade chuckled and shook her head, "Well, I'm not pregnant anymore so maybe we'll have a fair fight this time." Jade told her. Marcus quickly put himself between Jade and Ginny to avoid a fight breaking out. "What  do you want Virginia?" Marcus asked Ginny. "My mom and Paul are getting married in a few weeks, I wanted to ask if Max & your mom wanted to come." Ginny told him. "And you couldn't just text her because?" Marcus asked. "We've already been invited." Max stated from the living room doorway, while Marley was watching everything go down from where she way in Max's arms. "We're going to be your mom's bridesmaids because she asked for us to." Max told her. Ginny nodded, "Great, I'll see you there then." She told her. "You'll see us, but you won't be talking to us!" Max told her. Ginny started walking away and Max quickly rushed to the door. "AND DONT EVER COME BACK HERE BITCH! YOU'RE NOT EVER WELCOME!" Max screamed.

Once everyone was inside, Jade spoke. "What the actual fuck is the matter with that hoe?! She tries to kill my baby and then has the nerve to show up here like everything's good?". "I'm just hoping that everything moves quicker in court. I don't want to wait around too long, because if anything happens to my baby I swear..." Jade ranted, Marcus put his hands on her shoulder and rubbed them comfortingly. After a minute she took a deep breath before going to Max and Marley in the living room. "My sweet Mar-Mar! I love you more than you'd ever know." Jade told her daughter as she gently took hold of her little hands. Marley smiled big and squeezed Jade's index finger. Max smiled and passed Marley off to Jade. "I think I'm gonna have to call and tell my mom about her just showing up like that." Marcus said as he stared lovingly at his daughter and girlfriend. "Yeah, I agree." Max said while going to stand with him.

That evening, Marley left with Jade and Kenzie while Marcus, Ellen and Clint had a conversation with Georgia about keeping Ginny away from Marley given their circumstance, and Georgia agreed and told them that she would do everything she could to make sure she didn't do the same thing again. Marcus didn't really buy that Georgia could keep her away though, no matter how hard she tried. So because of that, Marcus knew that things with the restraining order had to be sped up. He got into further contact with the lawyer his parents found him and Jade and let him know of everything that happened when Ginny showed up at their house that day. They even got some footage of what happened on the security camera so he also gave that to the lawyer. He felt better about the situation after his conversation with the lawyer because he was told that the proof could help get things sped up because Ginny was given specific instructions to stay away from Jade and Marley and the video showed that she completely went against those instructions.


A/N: Hey all! I'm sorry this update has been so delayed! I've had a lot of school and work to deal with but things are more under control now! I'll have a new update out tomorrow and wanted to go ahead and give a heads up that it will be dealing with the poor mental health we saw Marcus had in season 2. The difference will be that his mental health issues are written to fit this story! There will be heavy topics discussed, including (TW) suicidal thoughts, and alcohol use. If any of those topics hit you hard in a negative light, I highly recommend refraining from reading the next chapter. I will include another TW in the beginning of my next chapter! Thank you all for reading!!

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