Chapter 40

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The torrential rain is coming, and the previously gentle and gentle rainwater is now hitting from the sky like large water droplets, splashing a piece of water.

In Lin Yuzhong, Jonathan hugged Jun Duo in his arms, leaned forward and rushed forward. His eyes narrowed slightly, looking for the mark he made when he came and left.

The forest is deep and wide, if you don't leave a mark, you will get lost if you are not careful.

In the world here, there is only one continent that has been discovered so far, and it was called the Parnaki continent by the dead orcs.

Each of the south, south, and northwest of this continent has its own climate, but at this time of year, the entire continent will usher in the rainy season. It was a more terrifying existence than winter.

In winter, the weather is cold and there is no food to satisfy. The orcs fought each other for food and warmth.

But there is a harvest season before winter, when the rainy season is just over, the land is fertile, and there are many plants that can be used and can be stored for a long time. It was then possible to harvest and hunt in large quantities in preparation for the difficult winter that followed.

The rainy season does not give you the slightest chance to prepare.

The river swelled and the rain poured incessantly, submerging the homeland and the mainland. At the same time, there were also long-stored food and really precious lives.

In order to obtain the land that is rarely inhabited, the orcs killed each other, and the brutality was the worst.

Countless warriors died in the river for their own people, just to survive!

Now that the rainy season has begun, Jonathan is galloping in a hurry and not chaotic.

At such a fast speed, Jun Duo, who has always been motion sickness, began to feel dizzy at this moment, and her stomach swelled in cooperation, making her nauseous.

The knee hit the ground and touched a stone. It was extremely painful, but in this state, the pain seemed to be cured, and only nausea was left.

The sour water kept bubbling in her mouth. She ignored her prejudice against Jonathan, pinched him hard, facing the rain that hurt her a little bit, squinting her eyes and looking up at Jonathan. , said weakly: "Stop..."

"Don't make trouble." The sound of the rain hitting the ground was very noisy, but Jonathan used his keen hearing to hear Jun Duo's words clearly. He frowned slightly, and retorted without thinking.

Even more so, he didn't even lower his head, he kept looking around vigilantly, carefully avoiding the beasts nearby, and continued to run fast.

If he can look down, he can see how uncomfortable she is from Jun Duo's pale face and bloodless lips.

"Bastard!" Jun Duo slumped weakly in Jonathan's arms, biting his lower lip, cursing Jonathan fiercely in his heart.

I was already prejudiced against him, and now I hate it even more.

"Roar..." In the forest, the irritable low-pitched roars of beasts could be heard from all sides. The loud sound of unison shook the world, Jun Duo's heart was trembling, she shrank in Jonathan's arms in fear, closed her eyes, bit her white lips, and suppressed her inner fear.

Hearing this, Jonathan also stopped, his golden eyes squinted and looked around, his Adam's apple rolled, and his throat made a hoarse sound like a beast.

The rain soaked his long, thick black hair, and the black hair stuck to his cheeks, covering up the broad back. The flirtatious black concealed the masculine arrogance. It looked extraordinarily soft and masculine. Masculine. With those deep eyes, he looked more and more cold.

Feeling the trembling of the person in his arms, those deep eyes became even darker.

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