"Do it.” The guy whispered in my ear and my body recoiled in disgust. I felt sick, I could feel my body cells shutting down.

Lazza cocked his gun again and I snapped. I knew he couldn't kill me, he only wanted to torture my sanity, to destroy me mentally,  to sicken me to a point I couldn't think. So I knew I couldn't let him kill anyone.

I never knew I would even look up to him and beg him. My blurry eyes met him. He looked relaxed, busy smoking his cigar as he examined his gun. I detested him. 

Our eyes met and he looked unbothered. I was to apologize, but he had to know that I was to make him pay. “I am sorry.”

“Are you trying to say something?” 

His words scratched my wounded heart. I swallowed the anger, controlling myself from yelling on his face. This was the only way, that's all I promised myself. “I said I am so—”

“Come.” He signaled me to walk back to him. I hesitated because it did not feel right. He couldn't be evil in one minute and the other, he would just call me to approach him. But I got up, walked to the other side of him to escape the pool of blood. “Come here.” He used his gun to point at the side he needed me. The side of the dead lady rested.

He would pay, that's all I knew, so I obeyed him.

“What were you saying?”

“I said I am—”

“Get on your knees, woman.” He growled, leaning on the back rest and relaxing. I looked down, blood covered the floor he wanted me to kneel on. So I stepped behind and fell on my knees. 

He will pay.

“Closer.” He said and I sighed, ready to scream all the insulting words I knew but I remembered, it was for my own good. So I got up to move closer but he stopped me. “Crawl closer and don't waste my time!”

My chest tightened. I closed my eyes for a brief moment, promising myself that the blood on the floor also flowed in my veins, that it was just red water. I crawled, my knees getting wet, my dress soaking into the redness, my sickness emerging again. 


I swallowed but it was coming. I was to throw up any second. “I am sorry.”

"For what?" He asked and I choked, as much as I assumed it was water, my brain had registered it was blood. 

"For..." I pushed it back. "For running."

"Hmm," He breathed. “That doesn't sound convincing.”

"I said I am sorry." I yelled in his face. 

My vision was disappearing. I got tired of controlling the sickness. 

Lazza drew himself closer and faced directly to my eyes. “Swear with her blood to never run again.” He whispered.

“I,” I inhaled deeply, my brain shutting. “I hate you.” I whispered before everything turned to pure darkness. My body refused to keep up. 


My body felt enfeebled. I could feel the soreness in it. Every part ached, especially my hands that were tied up on a seat. 

I woke up gasping for air as a suffocating scene sabotaged me. He inked sickness in my brain. Everything he did contributed to the new me, the ‘destroyed me. The new side he succeeded in bringing out. But what he couldn't change was the side that would fight. I still had to fight.

I opened my eyes, adjusting to the lights in the room. I wasn't sure where I was but I couldn't get up, I didn't want to face the reality. I did not deserve such a life. Loving a man did not have to come with this much pain. I hated Marco at the moment, he knew what was happening, yet he was probably somewhere out there fucking girs and moving on with life like nothing happened.

Mafia And The Golden Girl [#1]Where stories live. Discover now