6 Train to hogwarts

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The next day after we got ready for the day, packed our bags and ate breakfast we went to the train station. As always Hagrid got a few strange looks, he even asked what they were looking at to some of them. we were walking over a bridge connecting two platforms. Halfway over the bridge Hagrid stopped to look at his pocket watch "Blimey, is that the time? Sorry, Harry and Y/N, I'm gonna have to leave you. Dumbledore will be wanting his uhh (pat pat) ....... Well, He'll be wanting to see me. Now, uh, your train leaves in 10 minutes. Here's your tickets. Stick to it twins that's very important, stick to you tickets." Me and Harry both look at our tickets and were confused for a second but then I thought why would the wizarding world have a normal train it has to be magic but Harry didn't pic that up. "Platform 9 3/4? But, Hagrid, there must be a mistake? This says platform 9 3/4. There's no such thing, is there?" When harry asked that Hagrid was gone, and he just looked around but didn't see him.

We walked to try and find the platform but couldn't find it and our train left soon so we went to platform 9 and 10 and asked one of the men where the platform was. I didn't think it was a good idea I thought he would think we are crazy, and he thought we were only trying to be funny because there was no such thing as a platform 9 3/4 in this world. When the man left, we heard a woman with ginger hair say "It's the same every year, packed with muggles, of course. Come on!" "Muggles?" I questioned but then remembered nonmagical people so we could follow them "Platform 9 3/4, this way" after Harry heard the women say that that's when he realized why I wanted to follow the group of 6.

"All right, Percy, you first." what looked to be like her oldest son Percy went first and ran through a wall. I was shocked same as harry we thought we were going mad and didn't believe it. "Fred you next" "He's not Fred, I am." said one twin "Honestly, woman. you call yourself our mother?" said the other twin "Oh, I'm sorry, George" the lady said pointing to the wall. When we got into spot he said "I'm only joking. I am Fred" I giggled a little as I could tell the difference now George had a slightly higher pitched voice. And with that he ran through the wall then his twin George went after him. when they did that Harry shook his head in disbelief, but I didn't think much of it as it was obviously magic. "Excuse me." we said in unison "Could you tell us how to...?" "How to get onto the platform? Not to worry dears. It's Ron's first time to Hogwarts as well." One of her other sons Ron nodded at me and harry then he blushed a little when he looked at me a bit closer and I saw it. I thought it was cute that he blushed when he looked at me, I could tell we would be friends. "All you've got to do is walk straight at the wall between platforms 9 and 10." she continued "Best do it at a bit of a run if you're nervous." "Good luck." Her daughter said with a bit of a smile at me. She looked a year younger than me and harry so maybe she will be joining next year. Harry looked the wall up and down then started to jog I waited for him to be completely through then I waited a few seconds then went because I knew he would be in the way to look around. When I went through, I was right he had just moved out of the way. We looked around a little till we put our luggage where everyone that looked our age did and went onto the train into an empty carriage.

We were on the train for a little while when it started moving. Ron, the boy from before, came into the carriage we were in and asked if he could sit with us as everywhere else was full, of course we let him in. He walked in and sat opposite me and harry. "I'm Ron, by the way. Ron Weasley." "Harry. Harry Potter and this is my sister Y" "Y/N. Y/N Potter I can say my own name you know that Harry" when we said our names, with me smirking at Harry, Ron's Mouth dropped. "So, so it's true! I mean, do you really have the...?" he asked pointing to his forehead and neck "The what?" harry asked not getting what he means "The scars?" when harry finally gets it he moves the hair out of the way of the scar on his forehead and I do the same with the one on my neck. "Wicked!" Ron said overjoyed to be sitting with two celebrities. "Anything off the trolley dears?" asked a lady with a trolley full of Lolli's and sweets. "No, thanks. I'm all set." Ron exclaimed holding out a bag of squished sandwiches "We'll take the lot" Harry say holding out a hand full of galleons as I grabbed a book from my bag and started reading. "Wow" I thought Ron couldn't get any more amazed, but it seems he keeps on getting more and more by the minute.

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