3 Being saved

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"Happy birthday Harry/Y/N" "Make a wish" we said to each other in unison and giggled finally blowing away the dust cake. "I have a present for you Harry." but before I could give it to him there was a very loud bang on the door, then another and 3 more after that. Harry quickly helped me up onto one of the beams that supported the second floor to the tiny house then hid next to the fireplace himself.  On the 6th bang the door fell down hitting the floor with a loud thud lifting up lots of dust . A scruffy giant walked in and said "sorry about that" as it put the door back where it belonged. "I demand that you leave at once sir, you are breaking and entering" Said uncle Vernon pointing his gun at the strangely familiar giant. "Dry up Dursley you great prune" and with that he walked over, bent to tip of the gun upwards and it went off. I was so happy that I didn't hide in that part of the roof. "boy I haven't seen you since you were a baby 'arry but your a bit more along then I would 'ave expected particually around the middle" he said to Dudley "I I'm I'm not Harry" "I am" Harry said coming out of his hiding spot. "Well of course you are I got something for ya and your sister afraid I might a sat on it at some point but I imagine it'll all taste the same 'ere you go, baked it myself words and all and speaking of your sister where is she" " I I I am up here sir" I say as I jump down from the beam and land perfectly on my feet "ahh there she is Y/N Potter always climbing up high places" "thanks for the cake" me and harry say in unison reading what it says on the cake. "well it's not every day your young man and woman turns 11 now is it ay" he says sitting on the lounge Dudley was sleeping on.

He pulls out his umbrella and points it at the burnt out fire place. Little balls of fire come out of the end and ignite the fire place. Me and Harry stand there is Awe "Excuse me but who are you" "and why do you look familiar?" i say finishing Harry's sentence. "Rubeus Hagrid, keeper of keys and grounds at Hogwarts. Of course you would know all about Hogwarts" "sorry no" "no? blimy Harry! Didn't you even wonder where your mum and dad learnt it all" "learnt what?" " your a wizard Harry and you are a witch Y/N" we both stand there in awe and confusion "we're a what" we say in unison "a wizard and a witch and a thumping good one, I'd wager, once you guys train up a little" "no you've made a mistake I can't be a wi wizard I mean I am just harry. Just Harry" "and I can't be a witch and I am just Y/N. Just Y/N" "well just Harry and Just Y/N have you ever made anything happen that you can't explain when your angry or scared" "Harry the thing at the reptile park" I whisper to my twin. He nods in agreement when I said that, got off the lounge and handed harry and me our Hogwarts letters.

We opened them and Harry reads his out loud while I read mine in my head. "He will not be going and neither will she when we took them in we swore we would put a stop to all this rubbish" "You knew! You knew all along and you never told us!" me and harry say in unison is raised voices. "Of course we knew, how could you not be, my perfect sister being who she was. Oh my mother and father were so proud the day she got her letter we have a witch in the family isn't it wonderful. I was the only one to see her for what she was a freak! And then she want and married that potter and then she had you two and I knew you would be the same just as strange just as abnormal and then if you please, she went and got her self blown up then we got handed with you two" "blown up you told us our parents died in a car crash" "A car crash! A car crash killed Lily and James potter" "we had to say something" " is an outrage it is a scandal" "They will not be going" "Then I suppose a great muggle like yourself's are gonna stop him are you" "Muggle?" "I am guessing it is not magic people" "Correct Y/N these kids have had their names down ever since they were born. They are going to the finest school of witchcraft and wizardry in the world and they will be under the finest head master that Hogwarts has ever seen Albus Dumbledore" 'That name I know it but where from?' I thought "I will not pay to have some crackpot old fool teach them magic tricks" "never insult Albus Dumbledore in front of me!" Hagrid threatened and saw that Dudley was eating our cake and gave him a pigs tail with his umbrella. Aunt Petunia, uncle Vernon and Dudley were all screaming while me and harry were laughing like crazy, well more me then him.

Hagrid raised his eye brows at both of us and said "oh uh I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone in Hogwarts about that certainly speaking I am not aloud to do magic" me and harry promise not to tell anyone. "oh uh we are a bit behind schedule must be off unless you'd rather stay of course" Harry and i looked at each other then upstairs and the ran outside to follow Hagrid.

Hagrid took us to London and onto the subway Harry read through all the things we needed out loud so I could hear to. Somethings Harry wasn't sure about so he kept stopping and looking up at Hagrid. One thing Hagrid really wanted was a dragon and how he said they were very misunderstood creatures and to be honest I was very into magical creatures myself. We are walking through the streets of London and harry is reading out some more things we need he also ask the stupidest question I have ever heard "can we find all of this in London" "Harry we would have to go to a wizardry shop or something to get these things" "well you can get these things in London if you know where to go".

We walk into a old looking building which turned out to be a pub. The man behind the bar asked Hagrid if he wanted his usual but he said no that he was on official Hogwarts Business and that he was just helping young me and Harry buy our school supplies. as soon as tom said our names the pub fell silent and looked at me and harry. After awhile of them just staring at us they eventually came up to us welcomed us back and shook our hand. Then there was this one man which I though he was weird because he was faking a stutter. "H'h'h'h'harry and Y/N P'p'potter can tell you how please I am to met you" "ello professor I didn't see you there Harry Y/N this is professor Quirrell your defense against the dark arts teacher at Hogwarts" "oh it's nice to meet you" me and harry say together and go to shake his hand but he pulls them away "ff  fearfully fi fa fascinating subject nnnnot that you neeeed it hey potters" "Yes well must be going now lots to buy" "good bye" me and harry say in a kind was even though I still thought it was weird that he faked his stutter.

"See Harry Y/N your famous" "but why are we famous Hagrid? all those people back there how is it they know who we are" Harry asked "I am not sure I am exactly the right person to tell you that harry". After Hagrid had finished what he was saying he tapped with umbrella over a certain spot in the wall in a patter and then all of a sudden the bricks started to move to reveal a walk way to a busy street with shop on both sides

word count: 1411

A/N So umm yeah I'm alive and writing when I can. Between school, theatre, auditions and spending time with my bf I have had like no time to write but it's school holidays so yay. I do have to go in for a few days cuz well I'm failing all but 2 of my classes so I will write when I can but it might not be as much as I hope it to be. I'm hoping to finish a chapter a day for 1 post a week just so I can still post even though I'm busy. Love you all!

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