The beginning

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Liz and I had been lost in these damn red woods for days. We got kicked out of the city because we saved a baby chimp that clearly got lost and obviously was not a danger but the city deemed it as a threat. So they gave us the option: either hand the chimp over so they can kill it, or keep the baby chimp be banished from the city. So we chose to keep the little guy. We have been teaching him sign language. We know it because before my brother died from the flu, he was deaf.

"Liz we definately need food." "Oh really Cassy? I thought starving sounded like a good idea." Liz responded sarcastically. "Where did Hazey go?." "Honestly, who knows Liz. But he will come back to us soon." I said laughing.

About an hour later we came to a beautiful spot in the woods with a gorgeous river. So we decided to make camp there. As I started making the fire, and while Liz was setting up our tents, Hazey came over with a spear. I was shocked. It looked so hand crafted and cave-man like, I knew right away what made that.

"Wh...where the hell did you find that?" 'I saw it on the ground. What is this?' Hazey signed to me. "Liz come over here...I...I don't really know if we should stay here. Someone...or something else is here." "Dude, chill. It can't be that bad. What is it?". When Liz walked over, her jaw dropped. She looked at the hand crafted looking spear that Hazey was holding in his small hands. "Is that a fucking spear? Cassy are we in danger?" 'Did Hazey do bad? What does spear mean? Is it a bad thing?' "No sweetheart, Hazey did good andspears are good. Spears can help us hunt for food. A spear is a very useful hunting tool. I'm glad you found it. We can use this to go fishing. Its very nice. Do you want to keep it?" 'Oh really? Yes!' Hazey excitedly signed as he pant-hooted.

Later that day, just as we were getting ready to catch some fish for supper, we heard a rustle in the trees. Just as we were about to turn around, we heard a pant-hoot and a bunch of drops to the ground. When we turned around, we couldn't believe it.

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