Before she could finish, "Jiejie, trust them... Okay?" reassuring the other, plastering a soft smile.

Xie Lian muffle a sniff, "Oh San Lang..!"



Somewhere out there, two figures are trap within the walls of the unknown.

Its been weeks they're stuck like this. No food, little water, and no help. However, both of them hope for a break through.

"Lan Zhan..."

"I know..."

Hua Wuxian's once fair complexion, now turned pale. His lips mark with cracks, and his eyes started to form bigger bags. He's becoming thinner and bones are showing.

Looking at him, Lan Wangji felt helpless as his heart beat a pang in the hole. He couldn't even provide for himself, let alone for his beloved in this trapped area.

"I'm sorry..." the jade manage to utter the words, that are much painful to differ.

Hua Wuxian shush him, embracing the other. His eyes started to sprinkle his pale face. "No, no... You shouldn't say that..." he tells.

Lan Wangji was already frail and weak. He knows, his beloved knows, both of them does. Yet, always there to reassure one another.

Both soulmates are in pain on this hell hole. Just them, in this space. Filled with silence, and their sad love.

For the last time, at least, they hold one another like this. Till their dying breath, and their next life. Hopefully, they're together and forever.



"Hua Chengzu..!" a certain ghost appears.

Hua Cheng immediately turns his head at Yin Yu, he shoots a glare, and the other reports what he had.

Yin Yu bows in anticipation, "There's an information came from a local ghost near Yiling. It's about them." he stated.

The moment Hua Cheng hears this, he scramble from his desk. "Tell me the details." he ordered.

Since then, Hua Cheng ordered all ghost to gather more information. After hearing this Xie Lian, begs to her husband to bring her along.

Banyue does the same as her mother, but Banyue's husband, Pei Xu was reluctant to do that. After all, Banyue is carrying their bundle. And Pei Xu couldn't afford his wife to stress too much, and decided to do it in her stead. It's also his brother in law.

Thus, they proceed to form a search party upon finding them. It has already been 3 months, they finally found where they are.

But its already too late for them...

What they found is two skeletons embracing one another, there's still flesh rotting out. The clothes are heavily tattered and showing the bones beneath those holes.

Yet, between those two. There's a ripped pieces of cloth in from both of the two, inside was a child. Whose face awfully resembles the two.

Hua Cheng took the baby in his arms, inspecting how did this child got here? As it turned out, he ordered the ghosts to bring back the two skeleton. Not at Ghost City, but at Cloud Recesses.


Since the arrival of the supreme, along with Yin Yu and several ghosts.

Cloud Recesses had been their temporary home in the meantime. The Lans are also searching for their second young master.

It Was Never Meant To BeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora