Chapter 5

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~Arisu's POV~

"Ready to go?" I called as I walked out of the bathroom, finally ready to go.

"I guess so." Asahi said, standing up.

I stop in my tracks and grimace at his sweats and T-Shirt. "Dressed like that?"

Asahi looked down at his outfit then back up at me. "What's wrong with it?"

"You look like you want to stay home, not go to a party." I replied.

"Well, I mean, to be fair..." Asahi's words trailed off.

I sighed then walked over to him, wrapping my arms around his waist, him wrapping his around my back in response.

"I want to spend time with you." I told him. "That's why I want you to come with me. You know that, right?"

"I do." He looked to the floor. "I just don't see why we can't spend time at home."

"Because I want the full college experience. Can't you respect that?"

He looked up and gave me what I could tell was a fake smile. Then he kissed my forehead. "Of course. But can I at least be comfy when I go?"

I scrunched my face as I thought about it then let out a dramatic sigh. "I guess so."

"If I dress up, it might catch other girls' attention, you know?" He cracked a joke.

I snickered before pulling him closer to me. "Never. You're mine."

I pecked his lips before escaping the embrace and grabbing my purse. Asahi grabbed his wallet and pocket knife and stuffed them in his pocket. I glared at him. "A pocket knife, really?"

"You can never be too careful."

"You can get in trouble, keep it here. I have pepper spray in my purse."

"But it's not on me."

"And you really think somebody is going to go for you over me, the girl?"

"Yes." He nodded in final, opening the front door.

I roll my eyes and snicker at my boyfriend. He was so cute. I make my exit out the door Asahi holds open for me and he follows me out, locking the door behind him. We make our way out of the apartment and down the street to campus, holding hands as we walked. Asahi even made sure to switch sides whenever the street was on my side so it wouldn't be anymore. He was so thoughtful and caring, little things like that still made my heart swoon.

After a while, we arrived at the site of the party. It was loud and crowded but I found myself smiling. My heart was racing from the excitement of attending my first ever college party.

"Ah!" I screeched, squeezing Asahi's hand. "This is so cool! Our first college party!"

"And hopefully the last." I heard him mutter under his breath.

"I heard that." I glare at him. "If you love me, you'll at least take a picture with me for the memories."

His face scrunched up as he pouted but he gave in. "Fine."

I giggle and take out my phone, opening the camera. We lean closer together and he even gives a smile as I snap the photo.

"Thanks babe." I say as I hug him.

"Of course." He says, genuinely smiling for the first time tonight.

"Ari!" I hear a voice shout.

I look to see my friend Izumi from class.

"Zumi!" I shout, hugging her.

She notices Asahi and bows. "You must be Asahi. I've heard a lot about you."

Asahi gave a small bow. "Can't say the same, but it's nice to meet you."

"Oh whatever." I wave my hand. "I've definitely talked about you. He just doesn't listen."

"That's not true." Asahi said.

I roll my eyes, ignoring him as Izumi and I started to get excited about the party.

"Come on, you have to see this." Izumi said, dragging my arm.

I look back at Asahi and just shrug and he gives me a wave as if it's okay to leave. I follow Izumi and she shows me around the house, eventually introducing me to people she met and we got to partying, mostly dancing.


Three hours passed by when I decided to check up on Asahi and see what kind of fun he was having. I looked all around for him but couldn't find him anywhere. I started to ask around, asking if people saw a male wearing sweats, he was definitely the only one so if somebody said yes it was for sure Asahi. After many no's, I finally got a yes from a male who overheard me asking.

"You said sweats, right?" The male asked to get my attention.

"Yes, have you seen him?!" I grew hopeful.

"Yeah, he left about 45 minutes ago." The male replied. "He said something about his girlfriend not caring and left."

"Oh." My excitement fell. "Okay, thank you."

I bowed and made my way through the crowd, exiting the house. I pull out my phone and call Asahi. After getting his voicemail, I call again and start to look around outside. I spot a body sitting at the curb of the street, throwing a rock, and immediately recognize it to be Asahi. I hang up the phone and walk over to him, taking a seat beside him. He doesn't even look to see who it was, but I'm sure he already knew.

"You're ignoring my calls." I say.

"Sorry." He says coldly as he throws another pebble. He was mad, but I didn't know what about.

"So you think I don't care about you?" I ask, remembering what the male told me earlier.

"Who said that?"

"Some guy told me you said that before leaving."

Asahi scoffed. "He exaggerated."

"So then what did you say?" I ask, turning my head to look at him.

He slightly turns his head to look at me. "All I said was that you were having fun without me."

"But you felt hurt by it, didn't you?" I read through him.

He turned his head back to face the street, tossing another pebble. His silence gave me the answer to my question.

"You could have joined in." I told him.

"Dancing isn't really my thing." He replied.

"It should be." I told him, hoping to cheer him up. "You're good at it."

He scoffed but I noticed a small smile before it faded. I just sighed and placed my head on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry you felt like I was ignoring you." I tell him.

"Don't worry about it." He said. He was trying to pretend like it didn't bother him but I could tell he was still bothered. "Can we just go home now?"

I lifted my head and exhaled through my nose. I wasn't really ready to go home but I didn't want to upset him more.

"Sure." I flashed a fake smile.

We both stood up and started walking home. I went to hold his hand but he seemed to barely embrace it. The walk home was also very silent. I didn't exactly know how to fix it since I already apologized so I decided to just be positive and let him get over it on his own. Though, of course I couldn't stop thinking about it.

Maybe bringing him was a bad idea...

~Authors Note~

Hey guys! Finally the rising action hehe. I'm not sure if this will be as exciting as Protector but please wait until the end because I promise the ending will be much better than Protector (hopefully). I hope you guys enjoyed and I will see you soon. Biez!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2023 ⏰

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