Chapter 2

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~Asahi's POV~

Yoshi and I arrived at the athletic booth where both of us had orientation for. There was of course a long line so we waited.

"You excited for college?" Yoshi grinned, patting my shoulder as he got my attention.

I shrugged. I guess I didn't care if I went to college. I'm currently a double major for music and art because I enjoy both and although I play soccer for fun, I figured paying less for college was worth it if I played soccer for them. My point is, I decided to attend only so I could be with my girlfriend.

"Come on!" Yoshi exclaimed. "Parties. Drinking. Independence! Aren't you excited for all that?"

I shrugged again, somewhat shaking my head. I'm not really the party type, and I don't know how being independent means anything when I probably couldn't live without Arisu.

"Okay fine." Yoshi said. "Then how about at least getting to spend more alone time with Arisu."

Yoshi elbowed my side, as if hinting at something. I rolled my eyes at his childishness.

"I'm here for Arisu." I spoke honestly. "Yes, getting an education is a plus but I probably wouldn't have continued school if it wasn't for her."

I looked at Yoshi to find him practically throwing up in his mouth based on the look he was giving me.

"How could you be so young and so in love?" Yoshi asked.

I scoffed. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"College is the time to play the field!" Yoshi exclaimed. "Have fun and date different people. It doesn't matter if you find the one."

"Are you trying to get me to break up with Arisu right now?" I raised a brow.

Yoshi let out a sigh. "I just don't want either of you to have to feel like you have to stay together. Because honestly, college changes a person. You never know what might happen."

I found my eyes widening. Was that really true? Would Arisu and I lose interest in each other? I could never...but could she?

"No, you're wrong." I tried to wipe the horrible thoughts from my mind. "Our love is too strong. We will never break up."

Yoshi placed a hand on my shoulder. "Of course not. Because I don't see you ever finding another woman."

I looked at him, clearly offended. "That's rude."

Yoshi grinned. "I'm just saying, don't be too hurt if something happens. I don't think it will, and I definitely hope it doesn't, but I just want to throw it out there."

"Just stop talking." I looked away, annoyed with him.

He snickered and that was when it was our turn in line.

"Yoshi!" The person behind the booth exclaimed.

"Hey Kenji!" Yoshi said, bro-fiving the male on the other side, who must be named Kenji.

"Here to claim your spot again?" Kenji asked.

"Yup!" Yoshi exclaimed before throwing his arm around me. "And so is my friend, Asahi!"

"Ahh, so this is the famous Asahi you've been talking about all last semester!" Kenji said, seeming excited to meet me.

I just gave him a shy smile. I wasn't one for much attention.

"Yup!" Yoshi spoke for me. "A soccer pro!"

I glared at my friend. He was taking it too far.

"I'm looking forward to seeing it." Kenji smiled. "What's your surname, Asahi?"

"Hamada." I replied.

I watched as Kenji's pen made contact with a piece of paper and he smiled back up at me.

"I will see you Monday at 6AM sharp for practice!" Kenji said.

My eyes widened. Monday was the first day of classes. I didn't expect practice to start that soon.

"Monday?" I muttered. "Already?"

"Well, the season doesn't start for three weeks but we start practice early to learn each other's strengths and weaknesses." Kenji explained. "Don't worry, we make practice fun."

I just nodded although I wasn't happy to hear this.

"It was nice to meet you Asahi." Kenji smiled. "And I will see you soon, Yoshi!"

"For sure!" Yoshi said.

The two fist-bumped and we made our way out of line.

"You didn't tell me we start practice before classes!" I whispered-shouted, which was practically my shouting.

Yoshi shrugged. "I didn't think it would matter. I thought you'd be used to it by now considering you played all throughout high school."

"Yeah, but not three weeks before the season started!" I exclaimed.

"Oh well." Yoshi shrugged. "You'll be fine."

"I guess if I have you, it won't be so bad." I shrugged.

"Actually, I'm taking a break from soccer this semester." Yoshi said. "I'm taking hard classes that I really need to focus on."

"What?!" I exclaimed, feeling offended. "What about your scholarship?"

Yoshi laughed. "Chill! I'm messing with you."

I let out a sigh of relief before glaring at him. "You are not funny."

Yoshi snickered and the two of us continued walking around. We eventually met back up with the girls and went out to dinner before turning in for the night and Haruto and Leah leaving to go back home since they were still in high school.

I seriously hope this college thing isn't as bad as Yoshi is making it out to be...

~Authors Note~

Hey guys! Sorry for a short and another boring chapter but like I said, it's gonna be slow at first. Please understand as I am still trying to figure out the beginning of the story. Please trust me though! I have great ideas for this story and I think you all will enjoy it within time. Hope you guys enjoyed and I will see you soon. Biez!

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