Nothing Has Changed

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Diluc POV - I walked in Mondstadt with (Y/N) by my side looking over frowning.

Diluc - You could have worn the clothes I offered you it would certainly be no trouble.

Male Reader - it's ok I don't mind

Diluc - ....

Diluc POV - We kept walking getting closer to Angel's Share until I've noticed (Y/N) stopped in his tracks

Diluc - Hm? What's wrong?

Male Reader - I umm...I can go walk around and leave you be

Diluc POV - Confused I placed a hand on his shoulder seeing how flustered he was getting. Did my outburst truly hurt the boy that bad? Of course it did I've said such cruel and callous stuff towards him.

Diluc - (Y/N)? I'd like for you to come with me you know you're always welcomed

Male Reader - *Tears*....

Diluc POV - I gently cupped his face brushing his tears away as he gave me a disappointed look.

Male Reader - I never mean to be a clutz I'm always breaking stuff or just annoying you

Diluc - *Frowns*

Male Reader - I-I know last night was out of pity you've never been that nice to me before *Tears* out of all the years we've known eachother you never thought about my well being like that

Diluc - I do care about your well be-

Male Reader - I understand you do at the time but you knew I've lived in the wild for years

Diluc - (Y/N) *Whispers*

Male Reader - *Sniffles* I-I'm not mad I never expect you or anyone to take care of me it's just painful knowing you'd only take it into consideration after you said such awful things to me

Diluc POV - By this time he was a crying mess snot and tears ran down his face part of me felt like he was right. I only took his well being into consideration after I've yelled at him not once did I ever think about his health or safety. All these years I've had a warm bed and food while (Y/N) was stuck in the cold. The thought caused me to tear up feeling how selfish I was.

Diluc - You're right *Tears* the moment you told me you slept outside I shouldn't have ever allowed it! You needed someone to take care of you and I've failed! All these years and I didn't do a Damn thing about it!

Diluc POV - I began to break down falling to my knees holding (Y/N) close crying uncontrollably.

Diluc - I'm sorry I'm truly sorry for what I've done!!

Male Reader POV - I was stunned still crying slowly hugging back never have I seen Diluc break down like this before.

Male Reader - I'll go with you to the Tavern

Diluc POV - I pulled back drying my tears slowly nodding my head as I stood back up with (Y/N).


Male Reader POV - I walked in the Tavern with Diluc slightly rubbing my arm uncomfortably

Charles - (Y/N) what a pleasant surprise seeing you come in are you alright now?

Male Reader - .....

Diluc POV - I've noticed how uncomfortable he looked gently pushing his back encouraging him to sit at the bar.

Diluc - Go on now it's alright

Male Reader - .....

Male Reader POV - Groaning I slowly walked over past Charles feeling him gently ruffle my hair as I sat down keeping my eyes glued on the wooden floor.

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