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I think happiness is what makes you pretty. Period- Drew Barrymore.

I woke up late. Satisfactorily late. Stretching and yawning all at once, I joined Gwen in kitchen. She cleaning the kitchen sink, something she hated doing but still had to do it. Nathan was already in school.

"Hey sweet cheeks" I chirped smiling at the pancakes and bacon, she made.

"Hey butt cheeks," She sniggered and I gasped almost choked on my pancakes.

"What was that for?" I queried. She just shrugged

I met Gwen at the home I took shelter in, when I left the Lockwoods. She was the introverted sarcastic girl with trauma issues. Above all she was the best thing that ever happened to me.

Gwendolyn Elaine White, was eleven years old when she lost her entire family in an ice break. She was rescued and taken the shelter.

The first three years was hard on her, trying to convince herself it wasn't anybody's fault the ice broke.

With therapy and prayers from the nuns who usually visited she managed to bottle up everything and act tough.

Until my wonderful self came in the picture. Her mean attitude always reminded me of my twin sister, Emelda Dominenico.

Emelda was a meanie and it was fun getting on her nerve every now and then.

Being father's favorite was a hard pill to swallow for my siblings, except Emeliano.

Being around Gwen brought me warmth like I was home, even when I was devastated when I discovered I was still pregnant she was there for me.

"Okay, spill." She ordered throwing the rag aside and facing me.

"What?!" I quizzed with much glee, she looked at me like I had lost it.

"Seriously, spill everything." She added gesticulating with her hands "from your brother to your baby daddy"

"Ohh," I feigned ignorance chewing on my bacon.


"Yeah, oh."

She stared at me for a while then moved closer to check if my head was screwed right by tilting it to the left and then right.

"I'm just happy," I confessed, drinking water
"And it has nothing to do with them?"


"And you're not going to add meaning to it?"

I chewed my lips, the yup was at the tip. But I felt unsettled letting it out. Obviously, I made meaning to seeing my brother after all this years and my baby daddy too.

Ian took a late night flight back to New York with his colleagues. I gave him our house address so he could drop by anytime. I really want him to be part of his son's life.

As for Emeliano, I hadn't really placed my thoughts. Him means home, home means Father.

"I don't know, Gwen." I grumbled feeling sour
"Come on, it's not that bad." She tried to cheer me up. I let out a sigh.

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