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Sanzu pov-
I was waiting for her outside her coaching. I heard She's still inside studying from a maid here. I was really pissed off bcz of waiting but then someone passed by my side.

It was her.... She was looking down and her hair was covering her face. She still tied up her hair even tho some of them were coming on her face.

-sanzu:"Oy bich I'm here."

-she stopped and looked behind at me with no expression. But her face immediately formed into a smile.

Yn:"You were waiting for me?"

-she said with a soft voice...It was even softer Don't know why..

-Sanzu:"Yes. Your umbrella... It did rain today... And From next time u don't need to hand me an umbrella. I have my own. Got it?!"

Yn: *smile* "okay..."

-she took her umbrella which I handed her and was about to leave.

-sanzu:" Were u actually studying till this late? "

Yn:"Oh..Yeah...It's still early to leave...or else sometimes my.. This sir Doesn't even Lets me to go home.. If I Don't finish my lessons.. "

Sanzu:"I see."

An Pov-

Sanzu turned around and was ready to leave until he heard her again.

Yn:"Sanzu-san! Wait!"

Sanzu:"what's wrong!?!?"

Yn:"I..um..Want to ask something to u..were u actually waiting for me?"

Sanzu:"Ofc I had to give ur umbrella back."

Yn:"You could have told the gaurd to give me..."

Sanzu:"I'd prefer to give that to u myself. Thanks."

Yn:*blushes* "Y-you care?"

Sanzu:"No shut up I Don't care about you.."

-she smiles and slowly walked up to her.
-Yn: "Shall we go together! I'll show u my home on the wa-"

Sanzu:"No! Fck off. Leave me alone for God's shake."

Yn:"Umhmm~ aren't u my friend!?"

Sanzu:"No!? Since when!?"


Time skips

Yn pov-

"i'm home.."

-I said to my parents who were busy eating dinner.

They Didn't looked at me. I wanted to go to my room but Couldn't bcz they Didn't gave me the permission to even move.

Still I tried to talk to them as a normal family.

Yn:"I-Im sorry..I am..late...It's bcz my legs were really hurting on the way...So.."

Mom:"How many times we told u...We Don't care when u come back home when not...We just need your grades perfect."

Yn:" s-sorry.."

Dad: "Now go to ur room. Maids will bring ur food there. "

-I looked Down trying to hide my tears and left to my room.

-It's only bcz of u I can smile and be happy.. Sanzu san....Am I really falling for you? What.. If I break?.

-I whipped off my tears with a smile bcz he came into my thoughts again. I wish he was nice to me too. But he's cute as he is..

end of chapter 3
Sorry for late updates💫

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