Chapter 27: 𝘉𝘶𝘣𝘣𝘭𝘦 𝘉𝘶𝘳𝘴𝘵

Comincia dall'inizio

Above us, Viper calls Maverick and Goose into his office.

I steal a peek and catch Goose's eye.

His whole body language screams, we're screwed!

"What the Hell have they gotten themselves into," I mutter.

"Th-thanks for the help," The boy stutters. "I didn't expect him to come storming out like that—"

"I don't think any of us did," I hand him the last cup with a sympathetic smile.

He grimaces, glancing down at his freckled uniform. "Now I have to change."

"Don't worry, it wasn't your fault. If you need a witness, ask for Lt. Remington Weaver. Or Stirrups, that's my callsign."

We stand up. The boy juggles the tray in his arms.

"Thanks," He laughs softly, "I'm Aaron."

"Nice to meet you Aaron. I'd shake your hand but..."

The precarious tray is not to be trifled with.

" again."

Aaron hurries off, and I take a seat on the floor where Maverick and Goose were standing. I can't hear anything from the hall, so I simply wait. Five...maybe ten minutes go by before the door opens up and Maverick and Goose come out, dejected. I spring up from my spot, chasing them down the hall. Maverick doesn't stop. Goose on the other hand, claps Mav on the shoulder, "I really enjoyed that Mav, I really did," and then flings his back against the wall, gouging his eyes with the heels of his hands as he moans, "Oh shit."

"What? What happened?"

"Think I could be a truck driver?" Goose calls out. "Remember that truck driving school, Mav?"

Truck driving school?

I put my hands on my hips. "Will one of you tell me what the Hell is going on?"

"We – or should I say he – made some bad choices and now we're gonna really be flying rubber dog shit to Hong Kong. Stinger was right."

He? Maverick? I open my mouth to call out to him, but he's already disappeared around the corner. That's not good. My heart is racing in my chest. I should be relieved that neither of them are injured or dead, and I am, but...there's this horrible feeling I feel drenched in. It's thicker than tar and it suffocates my relief as I seize Goose's elbow and drag him along. Maverick is definitely a risky pilot. We share that in common. Neither of us like it when rules get in our way, and we don't hesitate to break them. Still, we've both toyed with Top Gun restrictions for months and neither of us have gotten in trouble for it. I know Iceman isn't fond of Maverick's style and Charlie's scolded him for dangerous maneuvers that have a low chance of survival, but no one's ever handed it to him like this. He's never walked away from me before.


I've walked away from him though.

I remember being pissed off about the arrangement with Dash and blaming Charlie, and wanting to run away from everybody and everything and what did Maverick do?

He ran after me.

"Hey, Goose...I'll be right back ok, see ya in class."

Goose affectionately prods me forward. "Go get him."

I pick up a jog, swiftly catching up to him in an empty hallway. The next class will be starting soon. My thoughts bounce towards Ghost for a moment, sorry that I left her so suddenly and without a word. She's smart. She'll assume I went to look for Maverick and Goose. And she knows her way around. If she has trouble, I don't doubt Iceman will jump at the opportunity to be her knight in shining armor. Against my better judgment, I entrust her to him and prioritize my sulky boyfriend who I finally fall into step with.

𝘚𝘰𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘦 | A Top Gun Fanfiction [UNDER EDITING]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora