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"Your useless!" Arctic screamed at Darkstalker. Darkstalker snarled as his father went through his scroll. Arctic was disgusted of how often Darkstalker used his animus magic. Darkstalker stared into his dark beady eyes and wished that he would just die already but that wasn't happening anytime soon. Arctic appeared healthy his scales were dull and scratched up, he was white, with washed out blue horns. Arctic through the scroll across the room and left. Foeslayer was on guard duty at the time so she wasn't home to defend Darkstalker. Darkstalker ran to his scroll it was intact, Darkstalker was glad that no candles were lit so Arctic didn't see  the spell he placed on Indigo. Whiteout was sitting in her room painting when she heard the commotion. "Is everything ok?" Whiteout asked while walking into the kitchen. Darkstalker was sitting in the corner looking down. Darkstalker turned his head to face her. Whiteout was stunned when she read his thoughts. All he was thinking about was killing father and the queen. Whiteout was terrified, Darkstalker read her thoughts and immediately pulled out his scroll, and an ink jar filled with clear ink. Whiteout tried to get the scroll out of his hands, but he was to strong. Then Whiteout started to run to the front of the cave but stopped. I enchant Whiteout of the Nightwings to obey my every command, and to forget about this interaction. Arctic was peeking through the cracked door of his bedroom. He was clearly terrified. "What if he does that to the queen, what if he does that to Foeslayer, what if he does that to me...." Arctic thought. Once Darkstalker left with Whiteout Arctic flew to Foeslayer's post on the sand border. He landed Foeslayer jumped. "Arctic what are you doing here?!" Foeslayer exclaimed. "Darkstalker... he...enchanted...Whiteout." Arctic said while trying to catch his breath. "What! Darkstalker would never do that!" Foeslayer screamed. "We'll he did." Foeslayer looked like she was about to pass out. "Well I can't say the word enchant but I'll try to say it the best I can." Arctic said. "I blank Whiteout of the Nightwings to obey my every command, and to forget about this interaction." Arctic spat out. Foeslayer screamed. "I think he might go kill the queen next." Arctic commented. Foeslayer shuddered. "We have to go save her Arctic." Foeslayer said desperately. "I know." He said looking out onto the horizon. They started to fly towards the castle. Foeslayer had gotten another dragon to cover her shift. They flew as fast as they could towards the castle, Arctic was covering his earring with his claw as they flew.

What if Darkstalker helped Whiteout out of the eggWhere stories live. Discover now