Chapter Seven: Full of Shit

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Desiree woke up the next morning to the feeling of arms around her waist, she peeked to the left of her and saw Mark sleeping with a tight grip around her waist. She tried to carefully get out of his grip only to fail and wake him up, "Where are you going?" He asked as he tighter his hold on her smaller frame. She looked at him with a forced smile, "I have to pee." She whispered. He rolled over on his side and allowed her to get up from the bed, "Bring your ass right back, Desiree. I've got something I wanna give you." He told her.

Desiree nods her head once before walking to the bathroom and locking the bathroom door. She slid down the wall and let tears run down her face, "I'm sorry ma and pa, I want to leave but I can't. He loves me like no one else does." She spoke as she looked up at the ceiling as if she was speaking to her parents through the clouds.

She quickly wiped her tears and gathered herself together before walking back to the bedroom only to see Mark sat up against the headboard with a smirk on his face. She forced a smile and crawled into bed next to him. He immediately kissed her neck hungrily, "I need you, baby." He whispered as he slid his hand up her shorts.

She laid there blankly as her boyfriend satisfied his needs with her body. She was numb, she felt empty, but the only thing she thought about was the moment of weakness she exposed to Eddie the previous night. The way he gently held her, the gentle brushing of their lips sending shocks down her spine. The way that his touch was different from Mark's. Eddie touched Desiree with pure admiration and love while Mark touched Desiree with desire and hunger.

"I'm going to work, Desiree." Mark spoke, snapping Desiree from her thoughts as she looked over to see him putting his clothes on, the odd thing was, they weren't his work clothes. He dressed nicely and used his best cologne, "Mark, where are you going?" She asked while sitting up in her bed and grabbing the sheet to cover her body.

He turned around and finished tying his tie, "I just said I was going to work. Did you not hear me?" He snapped at her. She rolled her eyes and laid back in her bed, "I just asked a question." She replied before getting out of bed and grabbed her clothes from the floor to put them back on. He ran his hands over his face, "Don't start with all of your emotions and complaints, I really don't want to hear it today." He spoke in an annoyed manner.

Desiree shrugged her shoulders, "Good thing you don't have to worry about my emotions and complaints tonight because I'm working the overnight shift." She said as she pulled her work uniform on and pulled her hair through. Mark furrowed his eyebrows, "Whatever, I'll be home late tonight so if you get off early, don't wake me up by being loud. I got shit to do tomorrow, got it?" He said as he tied his shoes and walked out of the room. Desiree sat on the edge of their bed and looked down at her hands, "So much for a kiss goodbye." She mumbled as she continued to get ready and headed to work.

After waiting for her shift to come to an end, she found herself looking at the clock on the diner. She thought that since the diner was empty, she would get a head start on cleaning and restocking everything before the next shift came in to recover her. Desiree walks over to the jukebox in the diner and turns the music up loudly before she grabs a wet rag and wipes the booths down. She then grabs the broom, using it as a microphone as she dances. She sings along to Pat Benatar's Love Is A Battlefield. "Both of us knowing, love is a battlefield." She sings out into the broom.

She dances around the diner wildly as she cleans. The music was loud so she was oblivious to the fact that she wasn't alone. He leaned against the doorway with his arms crossed over his chest as he watched her sway her hips to the music. He thought she looked so cute seeing how goofy and clumsy she is due to the fact that she knocked over a chair while dancing with the broom.She began to fill up the syrup dispensers as she swayed her hips to the music, singing out passionately.

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