Chapter Eleven: It's Time To Go

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When Hank came back from his job both guilt and distrust waved over me. "Hank, why didn't you tell me?" I said as he first entered through the door. "Tell you what?" He said casually trying his best to sound as if he wasn't hiding anything. "You lied to me. She didn't sue you. In fact she has nothing to do with it. If your bills are getting too high for you to pay then... Maybe I should go. If I left the bills would be affordable," I sighed getting my stuff. "It's not your fault," he said as he blocked me from leaving the room. "Listen, I can afford it you don't have to go. It's not right to leave a person to live on the streets and have no where to go." I sighed as I put my stuff away. "Are you sure?" I said at last minute. "I'm sure."

The more time passed by the more anxious I felt. The bills could be getting higher at any moment and it wasn't fair that it was my fault this was happening. Why couldn't he just let her go? It would be best for both of them. Depending on someone is like asking someone for money to later pay it back and she didn't know how she would help Hank. That night I couldn't sleep, and it was at four in the morning when I realized that I had to go whether I liked it or not. As quiet as possible I gathered my stuff and headed out for the door. Before I left I quickly got a sticky note and wrote my goodbyes and headed out the door leaving them behind. It was all for the best and there was nothing I could do to stop the bills from coming.

When the sun came pouring in I saw a recognizable vehicle coming my way. Of course, it belonged to Hank. He parked the car to where I was standing alone. "It's not your fault you can always come back." He said with a guilty face. "No," I said firmly. "I'm not going back if it is going to loose your house. I don't want you and your children to end up like me." He sighed taking the hint that no matter what he said nothing would convince her. "At least take this," he said handing me a one hundred dollar bill. Anger fueled me, why was he giving me this when he could use it for his bills?! "I said no and my answer will be no for anything you try to give me. I'm living on my own and that's it," I snapped and walked away from his presence.

As I walked away guilt spread over me as fast as I left his house. He had been so nice to me and I had just been mean to him even after what he had done for me. The more I thought about it the more I became frustrated, until I decided I at least had to apologize. Then I made a U-turn from the direction I was walking in and ran up to him. "Look I'm sorry for being rude like that but, Hank I can take care of myself. Thanks for giving me a place to stay while I had the chance," I said as I gave my goodbye to him and I probably assumed that I was never going to see him again. "Bye," he said waving at me as I walked the opposite direction from him. The way to whatever had been waiting for her was silent and peaceful, it seemed like that day had calmed down a little just as she did. She was very thankful for that and she couldn't wait to see what had been awaiting for her in her future.

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