the rumor that came true

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I woke up the next morning to see Cooper, Ashton, and Kylie all crowded around me and George and they all yelled "HI SISTERS" and it scared the shit out of us 💀💀.

"What the hell are all of you doing up at--" I looked at the clock by my new bed. "7:00am?"

"The only reason why I'm up at 7am is because even though I'm 27, I woke up thinking that I had school. It took me a while to realize that I'm an adult and that I don't go to school anymore. I couldn't go back to sleep, so I got Ashton and Kylie up and we all decided to do something." Cooper was explaining and rattling on about what time she woke up and why and I tried to keep myself from falling asleep again because God knows what'll happen this time.

"Why were y'all cuddling with each other last night?" Kylie asked.

"Y'all dating now?" Ashton teased. "That was fast, don't ya think?"

"And what are you doing sleeping in a bra?" Cooper bursted out laughing. "Especially in front of a boy 💀."

"We're just friends!" I yelled. Even though I wanted to be more.

"Friends." Cooper put quotation marks over her head and then everyone started laughing.

"Oh, you think that's funny, eh?" I was sick of this. Although they did have a point, I do love George. But he doesn't know that.

"Oh, you think your face is funny?" Cooper let out and everyone started laughing again.

About 30 minutes later, everyone was asleep again. Even George. This is the part you've all been waiting for. Since he was asleep, I whispered "I love you" in his ear and kissed him on the forehead and on the cheek, hoping it wouldn't wake him up.

I sat there in silence, admiring how cute he is while sleeping, until I heard George whisper back to me that he loves me too and he kissed me on the forehead and the cheek ( ˘ ³˘)♥.

"Wait." I felt like I fucked up big time. "You heard me?"

"Loud and clear."

"I think you're just tired." I told him. "I'm hard to love. Now go back to sleep."

I am hard to love. I've probably been in millions of relationships and none of them has lasted for a month because nobody's ever really loved me. The first person to ever love me was a 10-year-old girl that acted like a brat most of the time and now she's over me. I was 11. All I've ever wanted is for somebody to love me as I am, then I'll have pure happiness. I've had friends tell me over the years that it's my personality and my ugly, disgusting looks that make people unattracted to me. I think my time has come finally and I also love George, unlike that brat.

"No, Raegan." George sat up. "I love you."

"Like, seriously?" Nobody had ever asked my lonely ass out before, so I'm new to this.

"Seriously." George leaned in for a kiss. God, it was so wonderful. It finally happened.

It finally happened.

GET OUTTT (JOJI X ME) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora