get up and pack your bags

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    It is now many years later. Me and Ashton are now 30 years old, and Cooper is 27, and there's also someone new. A girl named Kylie. She's 30 too. And she's also Ashton's girlfriend. I've never really had a serious relationship with anyone, and people have good and unnecessary reasons for it. I used to date Kylie too, but it only lasted for two days. I was 13. She broke up with me but still stayed with Ashton. Strange. But I get it. That's everyone. I guess I was just destined to be alone. But it's ok.

    Where was I? Oh yeah. I was asleep. Like dead asleep. Until Ashton rang my loud ass doorbell and skated through the door with his huge ass roller blades before I even was awake enough to say "Come in." Before I knew it, he was hovering over me, smiling wide into my soul, and yelled "Hi sisters" louder than my doorbell. I started screaming maniacally, louder than the doorbell and the "Hi sisters" combined. Just like how I used to yell back when me and Ashton were teenagers. The good old days, I guess.

    "Get up, bessie!" Ashton yelled. Another thing from when we were teenagers. We always used to call each other "bessie" instead of bestie for some reason. It was so long ago, I can't remember. Or maybe it's because I've had a memory problem for the past twenty years. I don't know anymore at this point.

    "We're going to Japan!" Ashton announced. "Now get up and pack your damn bags. But don't take too long; Cooper and Kylie are waiting in the bus."

    "Japan? Bus?! Ashton, I thought you gave up on that a long time ago. That was just a stupid thing we made up when we were kids." I started to wake up.

    "No, it's not." I knew Ashton was being serious. "The bus is out there. Look out the window, doowit."

    Holy shit. It was out there. And now I'm the serious one. It looked like one of those blue buses you'd see downtown with nobody in them. Maybe Cooper, Kylie, and Ashton stole one. You never know. Cooper was in the front seat wearing a kimono and classic Japanese culture. Typical Cooper. Kylie was in the passenger seat, and Cooper waved to me and flipped me off and yelled something that sounded like "We're going to get pinkeye!" , little do I know she's a cultured child, even though she's not a child, she's 27. But she's always been the same since she was 8. I used to have this theory that she either had drugs under her bed, or she just didn't want to grow up. It might be both at this point.

    They probably waited out there for about three minutes and right whenever I got done packing my bags, I heard Kylie yell, "Hurry up or we're going without you!" I always thought it was childish to be bothered by shit like that, but I honestly wanted to go.

    I ran out there as quick as I could and hopped in the back seat.

    "It's about time." Ashton said. "We would've thought you took a bathroom break too." I always get nagged about me using the bathroom. Little do they know I have some of the greatest thoughts that I'll probably forget in two seconds in there. But it's worth it. I can write it down on a piece of toilet paper.

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