Later in the day, Damon and Aeliana walked right into the Gilbert house.

"You should really lock your door," Aeliana joking told the doppelgänger, who didn't look amused. "Oh, come on. At least give me two points for my humor."

"Do you guys think this is funny?"

"Yes Elena. I find hilarity in the lengths that I have to go to repeatedly save your life," Damon shot back.

"What does Stefan say about this?"

"We had a good laugh."

"And what did he say about Elijah still being alive?"

"Yeah, that I didn't tell him."

"Seems like you make it a habit of withholding information, Damon," she told him, crossing her arms at the fact that he withheld the plan to get the moonstone from Katherine.

Ignoring the old vampire, Elena turned to Damon, "Why not?"

"Well A: he can't do anything about it; and B: what I just said." Damon stated. He watched Jeremy walk into the room, "Where is Bonnie?"

"I thought she was meeting you?" Jeremy questioned.

"No, she's on moonstone duty and we are on Elena patrol," Damon motioned between him and oldest vampire.

"And who's on Tyler Lockwood and the full moon?"

"Vampire Barbie asked me if she could handle it, and I said, why not? Figured if she screwed up, he'll bite her and then I'll be rid of two of my problems."

"Hold on a second. Tonight's the full moon?" Elena asked.

"Yep, but you were too absorbed with all your suicidal tendencies to notice," Damon told her while answering his phone that rang.

"It's okay, Elena. No one told me about the full moon either."

"Ana, it's not that we're leaving you out," Elena trailed off.

"No no, you are. You guys don't trust me because of my situation with Elijah. I get it. However, I've done nothing but protect you, never did anything to actually betray any trust. I need to know where I stand, Elena," Aeliana crossed her arms while staring right at the brunette.

"I'm sorry, I really am. Next time we make plans, you will be included. I promise," the doppelgänger reached in to hug her friend, who smiled and thanked her.

Damon walked back into the room, "Change of plans. You two babysit," he points towards Aeliena and Jeremy.

The latter laid down on the couch, legs draped across Aeliana, head on his sister's lap.

"Hey you know, you should get out, enjoy the sun. Oh wait, you can't," Damon continued on with his banter, causing the two girls to look at each other and throw cushions at him. Jeremy laughed, so then they pushed him off of them and onto the floor.

They both looked at each other and laughed hysterically, almost forgetting about the vampire drama.

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