When Wanda felt a bit better she told him about what had happened and Bucky just nodded, not saying a word.
"We'll get her back", Wanda tried to comfort him and he nodded but not because he believed her. He simply wanted her to be quiet.
Bucky stood up and got closer to you, your eyes still distant and not focusing.
In Russian, he said: "Y/n, wake up. Whatever you created in your brain is not real and you know it. I'm here for you. The torture that kept going and going was a dream, not real. Come back, we'll get through it. Together."
After kissing your forehead he looked into your eyes for a few seconds and it felt like they were less distant for a moment.
Sighing he said goodbye and left, Wanda followed right after.

"Any news?", Tony asked when Bucky entered his workshop. Telling Tony everything he knew, Tony furrowed his brows.
"I don't like this." "Me neither", Bucky said sighing, "I don't know how we should get her back."
Tony thought about it strongly then commanded Bucky to leave and get Bruce. "I'm not your pet", Bucky said and Tony rolled his eyes. "F.R.I.D.A.Y, call in Banner." "Yes, Sir." "And you, Tinman, leave. I need space to think."

Reluctantly Bucky left and walked to the kitchen, meeting Natasha. "Are you alright?", she asked worried and Bucky sighed. "No. For the first time I have no clue how we should solve this. We had enough problems, even some we weren't able to solve, yet we always found a way around to make them manageable. But now? Nothing. We baited her, she came and she refused to believe anything. The truth is so obvious yet she simply refuses to-", Bucky stopped because he noticed how angry and loud he had gotten.
"It's okay, I get that it makes you angry. But maybe you have to see through her eyes instead of yours", Natasha said and Bucky thought about it.
"She's scared", Bucky concluded and Natasha nodded, stroked his arm comforting and was about to leave but Bucky grabbed her arm.
"But it's safe here", Bucky said confused. "Is it?" "We won't hurt her." "I think she went through enough to know that the world is painful no matter what you try to tell yourself and who's surrounding you. Sometimes having loved ones make it even worse", Natasha explained with a weak smile.
"For me, it was worse to be alone and not knowing who I was." "But you didn't want Steve to be in trouble because of you."
Bucky nodded and Natasha raised a brow to indicate a "got it now?".
Letting Natasha go, she left.

"Hey, doll", Bucky greeted you the very next day, this time with Clint on his side. Your eyes were closed and Bucky wondered if you were asleep or if it had another reason.
"It's time to get up, kiddo. It's late already", Clint joked trying to hide his sadness, "Cooper is the same, you know. He hates getting up and could live his whole life in bed as long as he has a few things reachable. Especially his console, kids today really just have technology in mind. Oh, and Lila is learning archery now, I'm glad at least one of them is interested. Do you remember Kate? Kate Bishop? I had told you about her a few times, god she can be annoying sometimes. I still think you both would get along pretty well, I told her about what happened... Well, she kept asking what was wrong until I was so annoyed that I told her. She hopes you get well soon. Just like everyone else. And she said she wants to have a little competition with you to see if you are better than her or not, so you better wake up soon and show her who's better." He paused. "See, I know how it is to be in a lot of pain and not wanting to deal with it. Or dealing with it in... wrong ways. And I know you know it's not a solution. It won't make the pain any less."
Both Bucky and Clint noticed your hand moving a little.
"We'd be happy to help you."

While Bucky had fallen asleep, Clint had left already.
"Нет. Стой..." Bucky woke up from your words.
"What is it?", he asked you worried.
"Hör auf... (stop it). Hör endlich auf... (stop already)."
"Nothing is happening here. You are okay", Bucky said assuring, hoping you'd hear him.
"Get me out, get me out!", you yelled.
"I don't know how, y/n. I want to but I don't know how." "Bucky?" "Yes, doll. It's me. I am with you." "I'm Q."
Bucky was confused and surprised.
"Help me..." "I don't know how. I wish I knew." "Codes", you said and Bucky was unsure about it. You had said that they were gone now, also what would it change? You would simply try to kill people.
"You want to come to the front with that", Bucky noticed but didn't get a reply. "I don't... I don't like this idea...", Bucky said but got out his phone and messaged Tony to get you to the tower.
After a little discussion, Tony told him he would get everything ready.

Y/N and the Avengersحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن