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You woke up in your bed and thought about what you had done - again. There was no way they would let you stay any longer.
"Y/n?", you heard Bucky's voice through speaker. "Hm?"

A few moments later the door opened and he came in. "It's you, isn't it?", he asked carefully. "Uhm... yeah. Uhm... Bucky...?" "What's wrong, doll?" "I'm sorry...", you said and began to cry. He came closer and pulled you into a hug.
"It's okay, doll. Nothing happened. You can't hurt me." "But I did... I saw it... the pain in your eyes..." He sighed. "Don't worry doll, it wasn't you." "But it was. It was me", you said and tried to free yourself but he didn't let you. "Shh... I am still a bit confused but it wasn't you. I think it's like with Banner and Hulk." "So I have a Hulk?" Bucky laughed.
"No, silly. But you've got someone else to take care of I suppose." His words were warm yet uncertain. "Please don't...", your voice broke off.
"I'll never leave you, doll, don't worry." "I don't know... You got quite... upset with me and...", you didn't even want to think about it.
Him wanting you to leave. Him being sick of you.
"I was just angry because I couldn't believe what you were saying about Hydra, I'm sorry. But you know why you're here, right?" "You mean this room?" He nodded. "Yeah... It's better that way", you said looking down.
The door opened and Tony stepped in with this thin phone-like thing he had used a while ago to check Hydras devices inside your body.
"Alright, puppet, let's check you out. Tinman, you better stay, I don't want to get killed by...", he gestured wildly in circles in front of you, "well you know, the killer machine."
With a safety distance, he was checking your body with this thing.
"Hm..." "What's up?", you asked Tony.
"Hm..." He checked again, this time a bit closer. "No, I have no clue. Nothing in there." He stared at you deep in thought. "There must be something else. Or you're just making it up", was his conclusion. "I'm not making it up... I wish I was...", you said quietly. "Oh, no. I meant memory-wise. Like... When someone is already gone but you can still hear their voice for whatever reason. Like... The voice of your mom wanting you to clean when you notice a mess. Stuff like that", he tried to save himself from Bucky's glare.
You sighed. Whatever it was, it had to leave.
°Well I won't.°
You sighed again. Bucky looked at you skeptically but didn't say anything. Tony left again and you asked Bucky if he could put on some music or give you a phone or whatever he found so you could listen to some.

Bucky had given you a phone and headphones, you even had access to the internet so you could listen to everything you wanted.
Matching your depressive mood you listened to sad and depressing music, but also more aggressive ones.
One came up about a breakup, the girl wishing the guy to fuck off. °That's my style.° "Shut up...", you said like a crazy person into a silent room just you were placed in. °Just saying.° "You don't have a say. I don't even know why you're suddenly in my head." °I dunno. Guess something important happened.° "So you mean yourself." °Yeah, maybe.° "Oh god, fuck off." "Everything alright?", Steve asked through speaker. "Sure, Cap."
He didn't say anything else, whatever he thought... it probably didn't matter anyways. You were locked in a room because you were dangerous and began to hear voices in your head. 'The train's already gone to think I'm not crazy.' °Are you trying to translate a German saying?° "Maybe." You bet that if she would have been a real person in front of you, she would have rolled her eyes.
"Do you need anything?", Rogers asked and you declined.

Just a few minutes later he asked if you really didn't need anything and you sat up, sighing.
"Cap, what's up? Do you need company?", you asked. "It's quite boring here, yeah." "Then let's play anything if you want to." "Any thoughts?" "Hm... hangman?" "Alright. 4 letters." "Hmm... E?" "Nope." "Okay... wait..." "How did you know?" "What?" "Oh, uhm, nothing." "You didn't... take 'wait' as a word." °He did.° "I did", Steve said and you could even hear him blushing. You burst out laughing but it stopped way too fast.
"Hey, are you okay?", Steve asked worriedly. "Hmhm...", you only answered, having bad thoughts in your mind because of the still ongoing depressive mood you were in.

Y/N and the AvengersDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora