Chapter 17: JC's Secret

Start from the beginning

She's been talking about what she learned in her psychopathology class, and JC is completely captivated.

I catch myself staring at them, so I quickly switch my gaze over to Scarlett who has snuggled up to Tucker. That poor guy has no idea what to do with a tipsy Scarlett on his lap. He looks at me in horror.

"Keep an eye on her for me," I whisper to him, but Scarlett catches it.

"I'm fine. Barely tipsy." I'm not sure if I believe that. I put a basket of bread in front of her hoping it will soak up some of the alcohol.

"I'm gonna head to the ladies' room. I'll be back in a bit." Ella walks gracefully to the bathroom doors. She can make anything graceful. I always feel judged going to the bathroom in public places.

"You and Ella, huh?" I lean over to JC.

"Yeah." He says in the lightest tone. "Jo... " He looks up at me from his drink, contemplating in my eyes if he should open his mouth or not. He looks over towards the bathroom doors. "I think I'm in love with her."

"You think?" I say sarcastically.

"Shit. Is it that obvious?"

"Sometimes it's really hard to hide when you love someone. Your eyes might as well have I love you in the irises."

"Do you think she's noticed?"

"It doesn't seem like it. She was too lost in being able to say everything that was on her mind. She's not used to that."

"She's not used to talking?"

"Not really. Not with a guy at least. Michael was so disrespectful to her. She had so much she wanted to say, but she could never get it all out before Michael interrupted her."

"I always hated him. I never got close to Ella when he was around. He scared the shit out of me which made me feel so bad for her."

"When did you guys meet?"

"Last year. Michael and I have mutual friends, so we've been to a couple of the same parties. He brought Ella to a couple of them. There were times when I would see her in the kitchen while Michael was talking to other girls. At one party, Michael was nowhere to be seen, and Ella was alone, so I got the tenacity to go up to her. I asked for her name, and I just talked to her. For too long probably. She didn't say much though. I just figured she was shy or she just didn't know what to say to a random guy like me. When Michael came back, he got territorial over her, and they left. I would smile at her any chance I got. At any party I saw her at. At the library. I've seen her at the coffee shop a lot too.

There was an instance where I caught her at the grocery store, and I am not proud of this..." he discloses. "I walked around to find her, so I could actually say hi to her. I probably wasted 15 minutes of my time there just trying to find her again. I just wanted her to know that I was safe to come to if she needed someone."

I huff. "Ella really wasted her time with that scumbag when she could have been with you."

"It's been mentally agonizing watching her take his shit for so long. Do you know what it's like to watch somebody you have fallen in love with getting treated like that?"

"Yeah, I do." I think he forgot that I've been witnessing it too.

Ella starts walking back from the bathroom. "Alright, guys. I'm ready to head back. Jo, your shift is almost over right?" I look at the clock and realize the night is almost over. How can time fly so fast when you're just watching people?

"Wow. Yeah, it is."

"Then I'll see you soon. Are you guys coming?" She asks Leo and Tucker who has a Scarlett on him.

"I feel bad leaving Jo all alone." Scarlett pitties over me.

"I'm out of here soon. Go home, Scar. Or I'll kick you out."

"You couldn't do that even if you wanted to." She's right. Scarlett would put up quite a fight.

"Get out." I playfully throw a paper towel at her.

"Okay okay. We're going." She slides off of Tucker's lap, and he looks like he has been holding his breath this whole time. She can be overwhelming to deal with, and I hope she didn't just confuse the hell out of him.

I slump into the driver's seat of my car. I pull out my phone, and I'm greeted with a message from the one guy who can pump more blood into my heart than I thought was humanly possible.

Riley: Jooooooooooo

I let out a light laugh from the number of o's he placed behind my name.

Me: Rileyyyyyyyyyyy

I put my phone down after selecting my Late Night Drives playlist for my drive back to my apartment. I hear my phone buzz, and I see Riley's name pop up. Damn, that boy replies fast. I wait to open his text until I get back into my apartment.

Ella is already asleep when I get back home. I change out of my work clothes, take out my contacts, put my hair into a bun, and wash my face. I completely forgot to check Riley's last text to me.

Riley: I missed your face today.

Me: That's weird. Why not my whole body?

Riley: Fine. I missed your body too.

That felt oddly flirtatious. Did he mean to flirt? Or did I just ask a weird question?

Me: I missed your weirdness today.

Riley: Ouch. Why not my intelligence? My rocking social skills? My incredible humor?

Me: See. This is what I missed.

Riley: Ha. Ha. Who kept you entertained in replace of me?

Me: It's not that hard to keep me entertained, so everyone.

Riley: What's up with all the roasting tonight?

Me: Sorry. I guess that's my way of trying to be funny.

Riley: Are you trying to be funny or flirty?

Shit. I was trying to flirt. Clearly, I'm not very good at it.

Me: Definitely funny. I couldn't flirt to save my life.

Riley: I bet that's not true. Let me see what you got.

Me: You want me to flirt with you?

Riley: Yeah! Come on. It'll be fun.

Me: It might be entertaining for you, but it sure as hell will be embarrassing for me.

Riley: Just try.

Riley just told me to flirt with him. Dear God, help me.

Me: You wanna know what I really missed about you?

Riley: Tell me.

It takes me more than 10 minutes to come up with anything.

Me: How hot I get when you're breathing down my neck.

Absolutely not. That's why too sexual.

Me: Comparing your right hand to my left hand in class. I can't get over how big your hands are sometimes.

Riley: Trust me, they come in handy.

Me: Specify

Riley: Can I get a "please"?

Me: Can you please specify what you mean?

Riley: I can show you some examples the next time I see you.

A man has never gotten my body temperature to raise like this man. I guess I'll be sleeping with a light blanket tonight. 

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