Trina's Big Showcase

Start from the beginning

It was now Saturday, and I had just come home from spending the night at Beck's. Tomorrow was The Big Showcase and Trina, Tori, Andre and I were all going over all the final touches. Tori had finished her project Thursday and her and Evan presented it yesterday at school, so all day she'd been helping us. 

"Thanks Tor." I said as she gave me a glass of limeade. She smiled, walking to the back patio as Trina came downstairs in the new dress her friend, Claire made for her. 

It wasn't my style at all, but then again Trina and I styles were totally different. She played a random key on the piano getting Tori, Andre and I's attention as we were on somewhat of a break. "You guys, come on!"

Andre and Tori came in from the back door and Trina did a spin.

"Soo, what do you think? Fabulous right?"

"You really need to wear that just to rehearse?" Tori asked, rolling up her sleeves as she stepped onto the platform.

"A performer needs to be the part to feel the part!" Trina exclaimed as she booped Tori's nose. Tori hates when either one of us do that, and Trina knows it.

"I thought we talked about you not tapping my nose anymore."

"Okay, we got the comfy stuff down, so let's start with my song." She says, ignoring Tori and backing up a little bit, gesturing to the piano.

"And by your song, I'm guessing you mean the song Y/n and I wrote?" Andre asked.

"NO one cares who wrote the song! Now," She clears her throat, getting ready to sing. "Go."

Andre started playing the intro of the song.


"I- Trina." Tori called, touching her ear.



"WHAT?" Trina yelled, stomping the ground with both her feet as she glared.

"I-i think Andre was right, you should let him play the song in a faster tempo—'

"Noo, it has to be a power balance, so all the important people can hear my range and vocal clarity!"

"But i-" "Yea i-" Tori and I began to say. She waved us off, looking back to Andre. 

"Take it from when I make it shine." She tells Andre, glancing at all of us. He starts playing again and Trina starts to sing, "WHEN I MAKE IT SHINEEEEEEEEE!"

"Well?" She asked, once she stopped singing. She flipped her hair back, smirking. 

"You got any aspirin?" Andre asked, turning to me.

"Mhm." I get the bottle from in between the couch cushions and walk over to the piano, pouring him a handful.

It's for emergencies only.

After we finished up for the day, Andre went home to get ready for the Big Showcase tomorrow. I did too, going to bed only an hour after he left.

 I did too, going to bed only an hour after he left

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