Norman Reedus

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You and Norman were wanted to play Five Nights At Freddy's 2, your friends have been telling you two to play. You were scared to play it but excited to play it.

"We should see who can survive the longest" Norman lets out a chuckle.

"We all know I'm gonna win so sure" you laugh. "Losers first" you point at the computer. You bring a chair over and you sit next to him.

"We don't know that for sure" he winks at you.

"The winner has to kiss the loser" he smirks.

"No that's to easy. The loser has to put ice cubes in there underwear and kiss the winner" you laugh.

"You're on" he smiles. He gets ready to play. You watch the screen as he plays, you would look at him when something bad was going on. You were hoping he would look at you and get distracted so he would die so you could beat him.

He was already on night 2. "Not bad for a loser" you mumble and let out a small giggle.

"Excuse me?" He chuckles looking at you. One of the animatronics came up and killed him.

"HA!" You cheer, you stand up and point in his face. He laughs. "You made me lose!" He laughs more.

"No it's not my fault you are a sore loser" you smile, he stands up and you sit in the chair that he sat in. He sat in the chair next to you.

You made it to night 2 successfully. Night 2 started to get hard but you made it, you won it. But you wanted to see how long you could last.

"Hey prepare you underwear for some ice cubes" you laugh. He laughs with you, kissing your cheek. "NORMAN! YOU CAN'T DO THAT YET!" You yell. Making you lose night 3.

Norman starts laugh hard. He almost fell out of the chair laughing.

"At least I don't have to put ice cubes in my pants" you smirk, he stops laughing.

"Shit" he mumbles as you laugh at him this time.

He gets up as you follow, you giggle. You fill a medium size cup full of ice cubes. "Oh not that much" he gives you a nervous look.

You take out 3 ice cubes and you hand him the cup. He puts the ice cubes in his hands, he starts to do a dance.

"Bring it here baby" you laugh. He does his dance as he walks over to you. He kisses your lips for a couple seconds.

"Go get get rid of those ice cubes, it looks like you peed" you laugh as he quickly runs to the bathroom.

Winchesters, Misha Collins, Norman Reedus imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now