Norman Reedus

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Norman gets the motorcycle helmets, he gets a black one for him and a pretty dark purple one for you. He puts his helmet on then his sunglasses.

"Beautiful" you laugh. You can see him smile, he does a funny pose. "Off coarse I am" he laughs.

He helps you get your helmet on. You have never riden on a bike before this was exciting for you. "Sexy" he smiles. "I know I am" you laugh.

He takes off his sunglasses and dazes into your eyes. You giggle, of coarse he would do thay, you think to yourself. Usually when he does that you kiss, your heads come closer. But stopped by the helmets, you forgot about the helmet.

"Got you!" He laughs, you playfully hit his shoulder. "Butt" you call him, he couldn't help but laugh more. He puts his sunglasses back on.

Norman gets on the bike then you get on the bike. He starts it up, the motorcyle engine roared.

You put your arms around his waist as be backs out of the drive way and you drive away from home. You lay your head on his back, you used him as a pillow.

You watched trees and house as he drove. You wouldn't wanna ride a motorcyle with anyome else but him.

Sorry this is real short and pointless but yeah sorry!

Winchesters, Misha Collins, Norman Reedus imaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang