Saving Kelly

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Harry Potter was a small, malnourished boy with bright green eyes, tan skin, messy black hair and a scar on his forehead oddly shaped like a lightning bolt. He was always told that the scar came from a car accident that his parents were killed in but last year in a hut in the middle of the water he learned the truth. Eleven-year-old Harry James Potter is a wizard, and his parents were killed by a dark lord named Lord Voldemort or he-who-shall-not-be-named. He just finished his first year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry where he met his first ever friends Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger. He was put into Gryffindor like his parents and friends.

Harry was walking around the motel his relatives stopped in for the night. His Uncle Vernon won a family vacation to Washington DC where Grunnings, the drill company Vernon works for, paid for the four to come. Vernon Dursley, his wife Petunia and their son Dudley would do everything they could to be seen as normal. If that meant threatening their nephew when they were forced to bring him along, well that was fine as long as he did not ruin their perfect reputation according to Petunia.

Petunia Dursley nee Evans is the sister of Harry's mother Lily Potter nee Evans. When they were murdered Harry was left on their doorstep in the middle of the night like a bottle of milk, with just a letter telling the family they had to take him in.

Harry's childhood was spent with his aunt and uncle trying to beat the magic out of him while his cousin Dudley was encouraged to bully Harry as much as he wanted. Anytime Dudley did something that would normally get him in trouble Harry was blamed. His aunt spread rumors that Harry was a juvenile delinquent with a history of stealing, vandalism and more. Uncle Vernon told everyone that Harry went to St Brutus's Secure Centre for Incurably Criminal Boys. His rags for clothes and shabby appearance have only helped the image they made for him.

The family took a trip down to Virginia Beach and stopped at a small motel for the night before they got back to the hotel in the city. They had kicked Harry out until they were all asleep because they did not want to see him after being "stuck in a car with the freak" according to Dudley. Freak, that is what Harry thought his name was until he started Primary school and they told him his name was Harry and to stop lying about his treatment at his relatives. He learned young that help would not be available to him because Vernon has friends all over their little town. Police and Child Protective Service reports happen to disappear every time a complaint is made. Sometimes the teacher who made the report would be fired or just never seen again.

Harry saw a small family that seemed to come out of one of the hotel rooms. It was a man, woman and a little girl. They got into a car and started driving down the road towards him. They got maybe a kilometer away before Harry suddenly heard a loud popping noise. He ducked behind a building into an alleyway and watched the car windshield shatter and the car crash into the trees by the side of the road. He had heard about guns on telly but had never seen or heard one so he could only assume that is what that noise was.

He watched as a couple men check the car and then run away from the scene. He knew that his saving people thing, as Hermione called it, would kick in soon. He made sure that the street was empty before quickly running over to the woods where the car was. He saw smoke coming out of the front of the car and knew he had to work fast. He checked in the driver's side window first and saw that the man was slumped over the wheel with blood everywhere and a hole in his head. He quickly turned away and took some deep breaths, this was not the first time he saw blood or saw someone die but it is different than his own blood or Quirrell turning to ask in her hands.

He looked at the woman in the passenger side and saw her head looking back towards the back with her eyes open but hazy. She had some blood on her as well and seemed to be twisted in half. He went over and felt for her pulse like he saw people do on telly. He remembered in school they watched a video about different life saving techniques such as Chest compressions or the Heimlich maneuver.

He could not feel a pulse but as he was reaching for a different place to see he heard a whimper in the backseat. He looked back and saw the little girl, who looked to only be a couple years younger than himself at maybe 7 or 8 if he had to guess, moving around. He quickly tried to open the door near her carseat to get her out and keep her from seeing her mother.

"Hey, look over here." He said pulling at the door. He was not able to get it open, so he ran around the other side that did not hit the trees and opened that door. He crawled into the car by her and got her attention. "Hi, my name is Harry. What is your name?"

"I'm Kelly. I want my mama!" She said crying.

"I am going to try and get you out of here okay. Can you be brave and help me the best you can?" Harry said unblocking her seat. He checked and noticed she seemed to have broken her arm and had a cut on her head from the window.

"Okay. It hurts Harry!" Kelly said as he tried to get her out quickly but painlessly. She cried out when he moved the broken arm.

"Okay I'm gonna use my shirt to make a sling and hold your arm, can you sit still while I do that?" Harry said, taking off his ratty shirt and ripping it to tie around her body and keep her arm still. He also used part of his shirt to tie around her head and try to stop the bleeding. There was a lot of blood and he was worried.

"Okay let's climb out and then I will see if your mama is okay? Is that your Daddy?" Harry asked, trying to distract her as he pulled her along as he backed out the door.

"No my Daddy is a marine, he is overseas right now. That was the agent that was supposed to keep me and Mommy safe." Kelly said. She tried looking towards the front but Harry turned her head back towards him, telling her not to look. She was too young to see that. "We should get the backpacks out of the back. The agent said we always need those with us."

"Okay, can you hold your backpack here?" Harry said, handing her a small pink camo backpack. He grabbed the black camo backpack with LJ Gibbs sewn into the front with the USA flag. He looked through the third backpack and decided to grab that one as well. He put one of his back and turned the other so it was on his front.

He got her on the side of the road but not in sight in case those people are still there. Harry grabbed the man's wallet so that they had some money if they needed it and grabbed the necklace off Kelly's mom. He felt bad leaving her but he was not strong enough to move her and she was already gone. He said a quick prayer like he had heard on TV but he asked Lady Magic to help guide her to his parents to watch over them.

He put the necklace on Kelly and put the wallet in his own pocket.

"Okay, let's go back towards the motel and figure out what to do now." Harry said, grabbing Kelly's good hand.

"Okay, you're hurt too are you okay?" Kelly asked, she had seen all his scars and the belt lashes that are still red and puffy on his back from the reminder beating that morning.

"I am okay. It doesn't even hurt." Harry said, smiling towards her to help reassure her. He was so used to the pain that with the adrenaline pumping he did not feel it.

They walked along the woods towards the motel. As they got closer they heard a couple of accented voices. Harry heard them talking about if they should get rid of the witnesses and quietly stopped Kelly.

"Okay new plan, we are gonna get away as quietly as we can, okay? There are people at the hotel that I do not know." Harry whispered. He saw Kelly nod and he turned and walked back towards where he remembered his uncle's car came from. They were closer to DC then they were to Virginia and there were more people to blend in the crowd. He stopped at his uncle's car and got his trunk from the back. He took out his photo album, invisibility cloak, wand, his money, some food, and his nice school clothes. He put them in the black military bag except his cloak which he held as they went back to the woods.


I do not know what to name this story please help!! I had many different options but none sound right.
1. Harry and Kelly: Fortius Quo Fidelius (strength through loyalty)
2. Potters Have a Thing for Redheads
3. Harry Potter Semper Fi
Or come up with one of your own that I will consider.

Harry and Kelly: Fortius Quo FideliusWhere stories live. Discover now