Face the music

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Jungkooks cosy sleep suddenly shattered. He opened his eyes to see Jimin sitting up looking petrified, RM standing in the doorway, mouth open.
"Downstairs you two in ten minutes," Rm turned around banging the door closed.
Jimin shook he could only imagine the looks on the groups faces, although they said they supported individuals like himself it didn't mean they wanted it going on with two of the members, he knew things now would change.
He got out of bed not looking at Jungkook but quickly washing coming out to find the other must have gone to his room to dress.
He opened his door to find Jungkook waiting outside.
"Come on," he said holding out his hand.
Jimin knew in that minute he couldn't let Jungkook take any blame, he would say it was his fault, that he got Jungkook into this mess.
He put his hand in the others and they went downstairs finding everyone in the sitting room waiting.
Jungkook felt Jimin trembling, he didn't like it, he didn't want the other to be scared.
Jimin looked like a deer caught in headlights, he felt that everyone must hear his wildly thumping heartbeat.
"So...when did this happen?" RM asked
"It's not Kookies fault I made him do it!!" Jimin blurted out.
There were suddenly loud laughs coming from the others seated there.
"Kookie, fuck me.."
"No Jimin,"
"I demand you do"
"Ew I can't Jimin..!!"
Jimin and Jungkook looked at each other, what was going on?
"Sorry Jimin we couldn't resist taking the Micky , nobody gets Jungkook to do anything he doesn't want to......, why are you looking so scared?"
"A-aren't you mad..., you yelled upstairs and slammed the door?!?"
"I was embarrassed! I walked in on you two cuddling like naked Koalas"RM said.
"So...what's this then?"
"RM, stop scaring him! It's fine Jimin, we have no problem with it, in fact once you tell us the day you finally got together we can move on." Jin smiled
"I don't understand what's going on here?" Jimin said looking at Jungkook.
"Me neither," he said shrugging his shoulders.
"Oh for gods sake," Suga said," we all knew it would happen but didn't know when, so this week we bet on it, the nearest gets a steak dinner and beer, the reason RM came up was because we have a film crew coming later so he wanted you to be ready.so who won?"
Jimin felt a red mist rise, he'd thought he was done for was willing to throw himself at their feet begging forgiveness and they had been putting bets on?
Jimin stomped out the house then ran down to the beach walking quickly .Shit what had he done, it was rare for him to blow up like that but he couldn't help it worry for How they would treat them had been uppermost in his mind. He walked until he calmed down then just sat on the sand staring out at the sea.
Jungkook and the others watched as the small male vented his anger and stormed out.
"Fuck that wasn't supposed to happen," Tae muttered.
"I've never seen him so angry." Hobi said worriedly
"You idiots...., he was shaking like a leaf coming down here, working himself up for something bad."Jungkook muttered.
"Surely he knew it wouldn't bother us?" RM said
"God I feel awful, we know how fragile he has been, it's probably hard for him to think it would be accepted." Jin  looked around worriedly.
"Jungkook...., you better treat him right." Suga said glaring at the other before walking out in search of Jimin.
Jungkook went to follow but Hobi stopped him.
"Let him go...., he feels guilty because he didn't want in on the bet and we made him."
Jimin sat hugging his knees, he felt a bit foolish now he'd calmed down and the shock had gone. A shadow crossed him and he saw Suga sit down next to him.
"You walked a long way, I'm bloody tired now,"
Jimin smiled slightly at the others words.
"I made a fool of myself didn't I ?"
"No..., you felt overwhelmed and let rip."
"It was just a shock,"
"I bet, poor RM was beetroot red when he came down."
A giggle burst from Jimin.
"I'll apologise when I go back," he sighed
"Jimin it's ok , we all apologise for what we did, it's been so bloody obvious this week that you two have fallen for each other that we acted stupidly."
"Suga....., I....., it's hard, I've always felt that way for Jungkook, I can't explain it, he though....., I don't think it means as much to him...., but I wanted this time, he's made no promises and I don't expect any commitment from him...., he will move on and I hope we can still work together, but I can't stop myself."
He bit his lip trying to stop the sob that burst out, Suga rubbed his back ,thinking Jimin was wrong, he'd seen how worried the other had been when he'd gone out for the day, he'd also caught the jealous glares Jungkook had given the jet ski instructor.
"I think you'll be surprised , Jimin..., now come on, we have to look presentable , our fans want to see your beautiful smiling face."
Jimin wiped his tears and got up , turning to pull Suga up, they started walking back.
"You could have stopped nearer," Suga grumbled
"You want a piggyback old man ?" Jimin laughed
"Yar,you!" He chased after Jimin who couldn't stop laughing and they both burst into the house panting for breath, five pairs of eyes on them.
"I, um, apologise for shouting," Jimin said.
"No,no it's our fault, sit down it's late you and Jungkook haven't eaten," Jin said.
Suddenly everyone bustled around setting the table for the two.
"You ok?" Jungkook asked
Jimin nodded.
"RM get out of the kitchen now!!!
The two snorted, then burst out laughing as a guilty looking RM came in sheepishly.
"I er broke something," he said in explanation
"Really?" Jungkook said in pretend shock making Jimin giggle.
"It's not my fault they make things so...., breakable!"
Jimin couldn't stop himself he curled up in laughter making the other two join in.
"Oh god your face!!"Jimin said looking at RM.
"You should have seen it when I left your room!"
Jimin and Jungkook lost it, laughing hysterically ,while RM whined about ungrateful brats embarrassing him.
The food was brought through and they started eating only stopping when RM stood up,
"Guys we fully support you I hope you know that, I'm sorry if we panicked you Jimin it wasn't our intention, Erm I think that's all....."
"Nah wait," Suga cut in," no humping in front of us and not too loud when your having sex, some of us are single and RM embarrasses easy!"
"What it's true, now I'm going for a nap do not wake me I know what time they are coming."
He walked off and the rest let the two eat while they tidied around the house.
Jimin took their dishes and started washing up, Jungkook stood behind him suddenly leaning in and hugging him.
"Good morning," he said into Jimins neck as he kissed it.
Jimin giggled," morning."
Jungkook dried the dishes then they went to find the others.
"So what's the filming on?"
"I think it's question and answer or games,we win food for the next two days if we get things right, just a little something for fans, we have just over an hour."
Jimin took his book out to the hammock starting to read but feeling tired.
"Can I join you?"
Jungkook crawled in next to him hugging the small male who sighed contentedly letting the other put his arms around him as his eyes closed and he drifted off.
"Aw look at them..." Hobi said
"Quick take a pic " Tae spluttered seeing how both his friends had a contented smile on their faces in their sleep.

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