Chapter 1

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"You're late." Lisa feigns annoyance and immediately wipes the smile off her face as she watch her bestfriend take the opposite seat from her.

In true Jennie fashion, the brunette rolls her eyes.

"I didn't want to wait long. You said you were going to be late." Jennie points out.

"Yeah, I know. Sorry about that. And to make it up to you, here's your coffee, my lady." Lisa says with a slight bow of her head in faux courtesy, and pushing the pre-ordered cup of Jennie's usual café Americano towards the brunette.

"Thanks, sweetheart." Jennie giggles.

"Anything for you, babe."

Lisa winks at her bestfriend with a grin. She made no effort when Jennie stole of bite of her Peak Cake.

"You know, I can always get you your own slice." The ash blonde remarks with an arched eyebrow; a mannerism she adapted from Jennie after hanging out with her for so long.

"But I want yours."


"Because it tastes better." Jennie shrugs nonchalantly.

Lisa stares at the brunette in amusement, quietly observing the other woman in front of her, while Jennie barely noticed as she enjoys the rest of her cheesecake.

"Did you cut your hair?"


"Your hair, it's different today. Did you do something with it?"

"Uhm, no. It's the same as yesterday."


"Yeah. By the way, what happened to you? Why were you running late?" Jennie lifts her curious eyes up to meet her bestfriend's.

"Anne's starting to get clingy. She wanted to stay for breakfast..."

Lisa is too busy droning about one of her constant casual hook-ups to notice how Jennie's face fell as she realized what Lisa had been doing the previous night, when she backed out of their supposed movie night.

"... and I had to force her to leave."

"You didn't hurt her, did you?" Avoiding Lisa's eyes, Jennie brings the cup to her lips, testing the temperature. Satisfied with the warmth, she takes a sip.

"By force, I don't mean physically. She asked for a relationship."

The brunette who is in the middle of drinking gasped in surprise, spluttering a bit of coffee on the table and onto her lap. Fortunately, she's wearing dark jeans, making the stain invisible to the naked eye.

Lisa was fast to her side, wiping the brunette's lap with paper towels.

"Oh honey, you've captured my reaction perfectly." Lisa snickers at that.

"Shut up, Lili." Jennie manages to choke out. Her throat feels a bit dry all of a sudden.

"You okay?"

"I'm fine." Jennie picks up more paper towels to wipe the slight mess she made on the table.

Despite the dismissive tone, Lisa stays by her friend's side.

"She said we've been hooking up for months and she wants more. Can you believe that?"

"Can't blame a girl for wanting more." Jennie mumbles.

"I know, right? I'm so hot, who wouldn't want more?" Lisa jokes, earning her a playful shove from the girl next to her.

"Totally not what I meant, but feel free to gloat. I know how much you need your daily dose of ego boost."

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