I am trapped!

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Lucas POV:
Since Hopper has passed away , Will , Jonathan , El and Mrs. Byers have moved to California and everything changed. Some psychopath from the upside down like to kill people and take their eyes out and break every bone , they have. Now that motherfucker got Max , and for some reason we can't reach Will , Jonathan or El. Max were writing her goodbye letters , because she thinks , she can't make it.

Max POV:
I was sitting in front of Billy's grave and read him my letter , as suddenly the sky went dark and everything around me went cold , i stood up and looked around " Lucas? ", i yelled but no reaction. " Max " i heard Billy his voice and froze, i slowly turned around to see Billy in front of me. " Billy " i whispered and tears start to fall down my cheeks , as i hugged him. " Oh Max " he said and looked at me " Billy " i sobbed , suddenly his eyes turned into anger. " It was your fault" he said " Billy i- " but he cut me off
" and now you can live happy because i am not there " he said with anger " no Billy it's nothing like that-" i started but was cut off by a voice. "Go away from him!! He is not who , you think he is!" i turned around, to look at a girl , which seem so familiar but so unfamiliar , then it hit me , this was Will and Jonathan's sister. " Laura " i said but she yelled again " Go away from him! " i turned around, to look at Billy , which suddenly was Vecna. The next , i could remember, was a tight grip on my arm.

Laura POV:
As the girl still didn't move, i grabbed her arm and run away with her " come on! " i said , as we run away from him , but suddenly we both hit the ground. " Come on, stand up! " i said as i got up from the ground " i can't! " she said and i saw the tendrils,  wrapping around her legs. I kneeled down and tried to help her " y-you're alive! You are the sister from Will and Jonathan! " she suddenly said , i froze for a second , as she mentioned Will and Jonathan. " We have to get away from here " i said,  as i saw Vecna walking towards us , suddenly she was pushed away from me and was thrown against a pillar.
" Laura ",  she screamed " Let her go! " i yelled at Vecna and rushed towards them , but he threw me on the ground , and the tendrils wrapping around me.

Max POV:
Laura was tied up on the ground fighting against the tendrils , while Vecna was standing in front of me " Max " he said and looked at me " let us go! " i cried. " You suffer , aren't you ?" he said and ran his long fingers over my cheek " no! " i said and tried to pull away from the pillar " i will end your suffering , Max " he said , but i shook my head. "We will end you " i said " who? Nobody will save you, either she won't " he said and looked at Laura , which was about , to choking by the tendrils. " I am not scared of you " i said and looked at him , but he ignored it and put his hand over my face , suddenly a wave of pain hit my head and terrible memories showed up in my mind. " It won't hurt,  if you don't move " he said but i didn't listen to him , instead i tried to think about my best memories and fight against the bad ones.

Meanwhile at Lucas , Dustin and Steve:
Max wasn't responsive and we tried,  to search for her favorite song. That's what Robin told us , we should search for her favorite song. After what felt like forever Lucas found it and put the headphones over Max her head and she started floating. " Shit " Steve said " he got her " Lucas said. " Max! " they yelled but there were no reaction.

Back in the upside down:
Suddenly there were a familiar sound , that was Running up that Hill by Kate Bush! I brought up my whole power and hit Vecna hard , until he let go off me. I fell to the ground, but quickly got up and went to Laura , trying to help her get up. "Max, i can't go with you " she said " what ? why!? " i asked confused " my body isn't in the real world anymore,  so nobody can save me , yours is still there , they can save you! " she said "i am not going without you!" i said " yes! You have to go! " she said and pushed me away " run! you don't have much time" she said again " we gonna save you, no matter how , we come back " i said and started to run.

Steve , Dustin and Lucas POV:
Max fell back to the ground and we all caught her, her eyes flew open and she started to cry. Lucas hold her tightly and tried to calm her "Laura " she suddenly said " Laura ? " Steve asked confused " Laura Byers is there! Vecna trapped her there! " Max said. They all look into each others face with panic " we have to save her" Max said. " Let's go , hurry up, we have to find the gate " Steve said and made his way to the car.

I am so sorry,  for not updating,  but i really had no motivation. I am trying my best now to update every week a new chapter! Hope anybody still reads this story 😫

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