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      Eragon stood at the prow of the ship Talita as it sails out into the eastern reaches way from alagesia. As he sailed farther and farther away from the only home he ever knew. 

"Look closely at this bone. You can see how its end rests on that of the sailing ship. That is impossible to misunderstand. Your fate will be to leave this land forever. Where you will end up I know not but you will never again stand in Alagaësia. This is inescapable. It will come to pass even if you try to avoid."

He knew that this was coming but only now did it truly seem real, he turned his head and looked back to the land he once called home and wondered what will become of it. He turned to Blodhgarm and all the other elves that had chosen to accompany him and Saphira to find the new home of the riders. He was grateful for them he couldn't think of doing it without them, but now he felt responsible for them. Being that they were following him blindly into who knows what for what will likely be the rest of their lives. "calm done little one we will find the home for the riders."  Saphira said to him " I know but its just that they have put there trust in me to lead them to the knew home of the riders, even though I have no idea where were going or where to look." "That might be but we will find it"  hmm not like we don't have all the time in the world to find it. He thought "Saphira is right Eargon you will find the new home of the riders we know you will and you shall have us to guide you." Umaroth told him even though Umaroth words did little to reassure him he was still grateful for his words.

"Blodhgarm i think its time to make land fall" Eargon said coming out from the bowels of taltita. "Yes i think it is Argetlman" Blodgarm told him "we'll need to leave someone behind to guard the ship. Everyone! prepare to make land fall!" He shouted to the elves as he went back in the ship to put on his armor before reappearing back on the deck. "Saphira" "yes " "were about to make land fall and scout out where were going to make camp for the night." 

They soon beached the the ship on the river bank and they started of from the ship leave one person behind to guard the boat. Saphira soon appeared over head, and started circling them as they looked for any form of mountains or outcroppings in the distance.  After searching for over an hour and not finding anything Eargon decided to continue on Saphira and sent the rest of the elves back to the ship, not without minor protest on their side.

"Argetlman what if something should happen while we are away and we cant get there in time. At least take one of us with you" "thank you for your concern Blodhgarm but me and Saphira will be fine." Eargon told him as Saphira landed down besides him "very well Argetlman we shall return to the ship." Blodhgarm told him before turning away and starting to make way back to the ship followed by the other elves. "Its almost as if they don't think were strong enough to do without them" Saphira said to him as he climbed onto her back wishing he had her saddle with him. 

"They just want to be careful and i don't blame them, no one knows anything about the eastern reaches anymore." Eargon told her as he held onto her back spikes as she took off. Eargon relished the feeling of flying with Saphira especially being that they hadn't flown together in a while. Eargon could feel his and Saphira's conscience's melding together and them becoming one being and he loved the feeling. 

He looked around using her eyes and saw the world they way she sall it with the different colors and misshapen objects. As well as being able to smell everything around them. They flew around looking for mountains or something that would make a good home for the dragons. But not finding anything Eargon knew that he should better get back to talita and the elves sense he knew at this point that they weren't going to find anything. But not wanting to return to camp they continued to fly around even though the cold was starting to freeze him he stilled enjoyed flying around with Saphira.

Enjoying the peace in it and her rhythmic wing beats but at the time that the sun started to set he knew it was time to head back. In a silent agreement Saphira turned around and began their trek back to Blodhgarm and the other. By the time that they had made it back to the camp the sun had set and it was getting darker by the seconds. As they touched down Blodhgarm came over to them "Argetlman did you find anything?" " no i didn't i dont think this is the area Blodhgarm one there's no mountains or anything promising two ..." 

"I agree with there is something with this area" "my thoughts exactly Blodhgarm this is not the area for the new home, in the morning we shall set back of farther down the river. Me and Saphira will continue to scout for a suitable spot for the new home of the riders but till then lets have at least one nights rest not on a rocking ship." Eargon told him and with a chuckled to himself thinking of the first few weeks of trying to sleep on talita. 

As the elves had already made camp Eargon went over to the ship and got his copy of the Domia abr Wyrda before going out to where Saphira was laying and siting against her side. After reading it for around an hour Eargon yawned and closed it before lying down against Saphira's underbelly as she covered him with her wing before going to sleep with Eragon. 

the next update wont be out for a while because im going to be making like 2 or 3 chapters at a time. and i only have the early morning or late at nights to work on it but i hope you like this chapter. the powder mages will come in the next chapter or 2 i think but not sure yet. 

eargon and the powder mageМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя