Saving A Life

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Today was the first day of high school, and Hito was pretty nervous, it wasn't usually for him to be, after all, he'll meet a lot of people, mostly strangers that some, hopefully, would be his friends.

Due to his previous reputation, well bad reputation in middle school, he doesn't have plenty of friends, he could probably count on one hand how many friends he has.

Anyway, because of his bad reputation, most people tend to avoid him, and to this day he regrets doing what he did.

It was so embarrassing if he thought about it.

Looking at himself in the mirror, properly tying his tie, he turned around to see if there was anything wrong, seeing that there wasn't. He nodded in satisfaction.

He had to be cautious of his surroundings because he might screw up and it would be the last thing that he wanted to do.

This was his chance to create a better reputation for himself, a new start.

He went downstairs and saw Hitomi putting dishes on the table, she turned around and saw him, and she then nodded in satisfaction.

"You look good in that uniform Onii-chan, it increases your charm even for a bit!" She said with a grin.

However, to Hito he wasn't sure what to say hearing her last words, it was a compliment but at the same time, it's an insult, truly a sneaky attack that he couldn't even get mad at.

'Increase your charms for a bit' Damn, he knew he was plain, but that's just a low blow even for her.

With a strained smile, he replied. "T-thank you Hitomi."

"No problem!" Hitomi's grin spreads even wider, then her attention shifts toward Lumine.

"What do you think of his new outfit Lumine-chan?!" 

Now, that got his attention, depending on her comment, he may or may not take psychological damage that was far stronger than Hitomi's backhanded compliment.

"He looks great." Lumine smiled at him.

At that moment, in his imagination, Lumine suddenly gained a pair of angelic wings behind her back.

He almost cried, but he stopped himself. A man cannot cry, he couldn't help but look away from Lumine's direction.

"Ho, ho see that?! Lumine-chan likes your school outfit!" Hitomi let out an excited shout.

"Y-yeah, thanks for the vote of confidence." He managed to let out some words, thankfully.

"It is not a problem, I am merely telling the truth." Lumine once again managed to pierce the deepest part of his heart.

She's a very beautiful girl, and it automatically made a critical damage in his poor heart, not to mention that she's his crush, the damage went over the roof!

He couldn't stop himself from blushing like a hormonal teenage high school boy! 

Oh, wait he's a hormonal teenage high school boy, to begin with!

"Hehe, hear that Onii-chan? Did that make you happy?" Hitomi's grin spreads even wider.

Hito couldn't help but scream internally, his sister is making things worse for him damn her!

But at the same time, he couldn't really deny her words as he is indeed happy with Lumine's pure undisguised compliment, unlike Hitomi whose compliment is backhanded.

"A-anyway! I'm going to be late if we continue this conversation, I need to eat breakfast now." Hito immediately changed the topic because he didn't want to blush more!

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