Starting Today You are a Host Part 2

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 The host club was in full swing when they walked in. Nagisa looked around and spotted the two girls who took her the last time. She raised her arm and waved at them. "Kisugaya! Umihara!" The two girls looked in the direction they heard their names and waved at Nagisa. Nagisa walked over, with Yura following, and stood in front of them.

Kisugaya looked behind Nagisa at Yura and smiled. "Mizumono, you're here! Is this Tachibana-san?" Nagisa bodded and gently pulled Yura from behind her. "Yeah, it is. Yura, say hi."

Yura looked at the girls, waved, then looked away with a slight blush on her cheeks. Umihara chuckled, behind her fist, at the action. "Nice to meet you Tachibana-san. I guess you don't talk much." Yura spared a glance at her and bowed her head slightly. "Nice to meet you." She said softly. Nagisa wrapped her around Yura's shoulder and laughed. "She's a little on the shy side but you'll see her personality come out more once she's been around you."

Nagisa crossed her arms and looked around. "I guess Honey-senpai and Mori-senpai haven't made their appearance yet." Her glaze stopped at a table a few feet away from them. She tapped Yura's arm and pointed at the table, towards the tall blonde with violet eyes. "That's Suoh Tamaki or King of the host club. Want to go check them out?" Yura looked over at the table and nodded. Might as well see if this host club was like the ones she had seen in movies and tv shows.

They made their way over to the table and sat down. "Um, Tamaki, what's your favorite song?" One of the girls asked. Tamaki smiled at her. "What song? The one that reminds me of you of course."

Other girl, sitting right next to him, blushed. "I baked you a cake today. Would you like to taste it?" He gently grabbed her chin and tilted her head while leaning in close. "Only if you'll feed it to me, darling." She closed her eyes and sighed softly. "Oh wow. You're so dreamy!"

Nagisa chuckled awkwardly while Yura stared at the two intensely. Millions thoughts ran through her head as she watched the scene. This was just like an actual host club. How did they manage to create a club like this? Did they also flirt with girls like this? Her thoughts paused as she heard a girl with red hair speak. "May I have a word with you, Tamaki?"

Tamaki let go of his guest's chin and turned to face the red head. She placed her tea cup back on its plate and looked at him. "I've recently heard the host club is keeping a little kitten without a pedigree." He crossed his legs, swung one of his arms around the back of the sofa, and chuckled. "I don't know if I'll call him that." He looked towards the entrance to see Haruhi walk in. "Speak of the devil." He smiled and waved at Haruhi. "Thanks for doing the shopping, little piglet. Did you get everything on our list?"

Haruhi sweatdropped as he looked at him in annoyance. "What? Piglet?" Yura looked over at the 'piglet' and softly gasped. She poked Nagisa and discreetly pointed to Mr. Piglet. Nagasi tilted her head at her then looked in the direction she pointed. She smiled as she saw Mr. Honor Student placing the items he brought on the table.

Tamaki picked up a blend of instant coffee and stared at it. "Hey, wait a minute. What is this?" Haruhi stared at him in confusion. "Just what it looks like. It's coffee." The red haired girl continued to sip her tea while Tamaki and the girl next to him stared at the coffee. "I've never seen this brand before. Is this the kind that's already ground?"

Haruhi raised his eyebrow. "What do you mean? It's instant coffee." The two girls sitting across from Tamaki tilted their heads. "It's instant?" Tamaki stared down at it in shock. "Whoa. I've heard of this before. It's commoner's coffee. You just add hot water." More girls gathered around. One of the girls on the sofa leaned forward. "I didn't know there was such a thing!" As she leaned back the other girl leaned forward to speak. "So it's true then. Poor people don't even have enough free time to grind their own coffee beans." The girls standing behind the couch nodded in unison.

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